14 - mint green wigs

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When me and Linden arrived back at my apartment, Kana, Ren and Travis where playing video games, ignoring me and Linden as we went to my bedroom. I grabbed the suitcase while Linden began picking clothes for me to bring. Once I opened the suitcase, she began throwing clothes into it. I didn't argue with her, but I sat on the bed.

"How did he find you? You're an expect in hiding," I whispered. Linden sighed, looking at me before sitting beside me.

"I let my guard down, I always have it down around Kana," she told me with courage, but I knew Linden thought it was a stupid plan to have dragged Kana into the unknown.

"You're selfish for dragging her into this mess," I told her and she hummed, in agreement.

"You gotta be selfish every once in a while Rae, just like you and Justin."

"That was business Linden-"

"Raegan, you and me both know that Justin was more than business to you," Linden confidently said with a smirk as she folded the last top of mine before closing the suitcase.

"Me and the guys are going to order pizza, do you guys want any?" Kana asked coming in with her phone. Both me and Linden shook our heads, she nodded before leaving.

"When did you meet Kana?" I asked Linden as she sat beside me. She sighed with a small playful smile on her lips.

"I was at a gay club, and she was there with her girlfriend at the time, but yeah, we ended up together, cliche but I love her," Linden told me with a wide smile.

"I'm happy you found her," I put my arm around my sisters shoulder shaking her slightly.

"So am I."


The next morning, me and Linden woke up the other three to say our goodbyes. Kana had promised to stay in New York with the guys, to be safe. So then me and Linden were on our way to the airport.

My heart kept beating faster and faster as we came up to the airport. I haven't seen Justin in a year, he could be a completely different person, he could be a dick. I have no idea. But I guess I'll find out.


Soon we were standing in the airport in Tokyo. David told us to wait there for Justin, so that's what we are doing. Linden was waiting at the gate Justin will arrive at with a piece of pink card with 'JUSTIN BLAKE' written in bolt black writing while I sat down, trying to not die as we waited for him.

"You must be Linden," I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see Justin standing in front of linden with a girl and a boy around our age. I stood up and walked towards them.

"Yeah I am, you obviously know Raegan, so now that that's out of the way, let's go," Linden demanded as she began to walk away. The girl and boy followed Linden but me and Justin were walking behind a little.

"She's your sister?" I nodded sticking my hands in my pockets.

"She's bossy but she cares," I replied and Justin hummed. Suddenly silence was washed over the two of us while the other three were talking. It was weird.

"Rae, we're gonna book into the hotel, you ring Mr. B while I do it okay?" Linden told me as she threw her phone to me, I nodded as she went to check us in. I dialled David's number and told him we are safe in Tokyo.

"What's going on?" The girl asked as Linden rushed them to the room. She pushed the two people and Justin into the room and we walked in behind them.

Let's Hurt Tonight//Jaegan FF [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now