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Justin's POV

Today is the last day of the retreat, and quite frankly, I didn't want to leave. Me and Raegan have literally made out every night since we kissed, obviously without our fathers knowing. I have grown quite big on Musical.ly, YouNow and Instagram, which made me happy because I now know people actually accept me as me, and they don't care that I have depression or anxiety.

Coming to this retreat, I thought it would just be constant panic attacks, depression, and loneliness, but after meeting Raegan, things began to look up, and not just for the retreat, but for my life.

All the adults who attended the retreat had left the kids with a lady, sitting in a circle. I was beside Raegan and someone called Jack, who was actually one of Raegan's friends.

In the circle we were just talking about our experiences here, and how great it was. But I was sad to be leaving.

After an hours, both mine and Raegan's dads came back, and the four of us went back to the hotel room. All of us were packed since this morning, and our fathers where getting ready for a meal with their co-workers before we all had to leave.

Once again, me and Raegan were left alone. I laid down on the couch, staring at the ceiling wondering how my life is gonna change after being so happy for the past two weeks.

"Justin, are you okay?" Raegan asked lifting my legs up, sitting down and putting my legs on his lap. I remained looking at the ceiling, while I shook my head.

"My life is gonna change again, and I don't think I am ready for that Raegan," I softly told him as he played with my fingers.

"We've only been here for two weeks, your life couldn't of changed that much," Raegan said as I sat up and looked at him, with glossy eyes.

"Raegan before I came here, I didn't know they were more transgender people in the world besides me and my brothers, before I came here I didn't have one friend, let alone someone who I like, before I came here I never felt anything happy, meeting you changed my life, and now I am going to go back to Minnesota and face everyone who bullied me, who made me feel like ending my own life for just being myself," I paused staring at Raegan. "How can I give up something that made me so happy to go back to something that made me want to kill myself numerous times?"

Raegan didn't say anything for a minute as he put his hands on my cheeks, holding my face so I would remain looking into his eyes.

"I will try my best to always be there for you Justin, I cannot promise that people will stop bullying you, but at the end of the day," Raegan paused, still looking into my eyes. "They are jealous of you because you can be whoever you fucking want to be and they are to childish and immature to be themselves, you are so strong," he whispered, still looking into my eyes.

"And I will do everything in my power to make sure we see each other constantly, I'm always gonna be here for you," He said pulling me into a hug. Over the past two weeks, Raegan has been my safe space, he has been the person who made me happy, and now, he's the person I am gonna believe and keeping fighting those transphobic people in my school.


My suitcase wheeled along the airport tiles without a problem, as me and Raegan walked behind our dads, hand in hand.

Both of our dads didn't care because they seen how happy we are and sad we were that we will have to leave one another.

When we came to the gate, I couldn't help but tear up as Raegan held onto me tightly.

"It's gonna be okay Justin, I will see you soon," he whispered, rocking us from side to side. I looked up at him, with tears rolling down my cheeks. Instead of him walking away, he put his thumbs against my cheeks and wiped the tears away.

"It's okay Justin," he whispered leaning closer to me. I slowly stood on my tippy toes, connecting our lips together. I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist.

"It's not goodbye, it's a see you later," Raegan told me, once we broke the kiss and he put his forehead against mine.

"See you later," I smiled sniffling, once mine and my dads flight was called. Raegan waved me off until I got onto the plane.

Honestly, leaving Raegan felt like leaving half of my heart. I may have only known him for two weeks, but I feel like we are meant to be. I feel like he was meant to be in my life at this moment of time.


Once we arrived home, Danny and Damon attacked me into a hug, causing the three of us flying to the floor. I laughed, hugging my brothers while my parents laughed at us.

Even though I am sad about leaving Raegan, I am happy to see my boys and my mom.

"How was Maryland?" Mom asked me once Danny and Damon realised me. I smiled and nodded.

"It was better than I thought it would be." I replied and my dad laughed.

"It was better than that," he said and I nodded with a smile as my phone rang.

I stared down at the caller ID with a smile, while I swiped the answer button, leaving my family in the living room while I went to the basement.

"Hi Justin," Raegan smiled through the screen on FaceTime. I smiled and waved back.

"I'm on YouNow, and the fans wanna say hi," Raegan smiled flipping the phone around to show me the computer.

"Hey guys!" I smiled waving, while I covered half of my face.

"How was your flight baby?" Raegan asked and I smiled, blushing.

"It was good, I'm really tired, so I think I'll fall asleep soon," I told him, laying on the couch.


Raegan's POV

After about another ten minutes on FaceTime, Justin fell asleep. I smiled at him.

"Guys, he fell asleep," I whispered with a giant smile on my lips while I showed them the screen. Comments rolled in o how cute Justin was.

"I think I'm gonna get off and maybe just wait until Justin is awake, bye guys," I waved leaving the broadcast.

I smiled looking at Justin before I slowly fell asleep as well.

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