17 - undercover

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(oh btw BTS are gonna be in this but like a gang thing. If you don't know bts it's a seven member group consisting of: Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook)


I looked Raegan in the eyes once we broke away from our hug that lasted for eternity.

"I'm going to tell Cathal and Rosie to leave, but I'm staying," I stubbornly told Raegan, who groaned and whined like a child.

"Justin, no-"

"Raegan allow the kid to stay, let him in for fuck sake." The guy from the club came up to us with a smirk. Raegan looked at him with evil eyes.

"Yoongi just because you let Jimin in, that doesn't mean I can let Justin in." Raegan told him standing in front of me blocking me from the guy, who had a wicked smirk on his face.

"Well just so you know, the FBI are on our tails again, so you might as well tell him and let him in. Oh, and also tell Linden that the FBI are on our tails, cause this is very illegal and we will get into deep shit," I heard Raegan curse under his breath before the guy patted his shoulder and walked past us.

Raegan grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the hotel room. Cathal and Rosie were zipping their bags and Linden was brushing a peach wig. All of their eyes snapped up at us as Raegan walked up to Linden.

"The FBI are on our tail," he informed Linden, who muttered a 'shit' before standing up and putting the wig on and throwing a shorter one to Raegan.

"This is the fucking third time this has happened!" Another voice ran into the room. I looked over to see the guy from a few moments ago with another guy.

"Yoongi, Jimin, what are you doing here?" Raegan asked them confused, they just looked at the two and then to the three of us.

"The club was fucking raided, again," the Yoongi lad said angrily to the two siblings. I looked between them like I was watching a tennis ball match.

"What about him?" Linden muttered.

"I moved him last night while hyung was guarding the club, he's somewhere safe, well not safe but out of the way," the Jimin lad informed Linden, who took a sigh of relief.

"What are we gonna do?" Raegan asked the three in confusion. Linden looked at me and then to Rosie and Cathal.

"Cathal and Rosie are going back to Ireland," Linden said giving them two tickets before pushing them out of the room. I wished them a safe journey just before they left.

"And Justin is staying. Don't fight with me about this Raegan," Linden held her finger up before Raegan could talk.

"Justin needs to be here. All the rest of he guys need to meet him," Yoongi told Linden and Raegan.

"Fine, but Justin is staying with me. No matter what," Raegan told them and the three agreed before they nodded. Raegan grabbed my hand, slipping his fingers between mine as he dragged me out of the hotel room.

"I swear to god, if they ain't here now, I'm gonna kill Jin," Linden complained as her high heels echoed through the empty street. Raegan pulled me down an alley way where we walked into a building.

I remembered the two, Zero and Yui, who were sitting in front of five guys.

"Finally, you're here!" A tall handsome guy jumped up and hugged Linden.

"You're early for once." She whispered with a small smile.

"Guys this is Justin," Jimin told the rest of the people. "Justin, this is Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Zero and Yui," I nodded as Jimin pointed them all out.

"Well let's get down to business."


After an hour of non-stop talking, I was utterly shocked to know what Raegan is involved in. What my father is involved in.

They're involved in an assassin cult, they literally murder people if they are paid to, but their part mainly focuses on drugs and alcohol. I was so shocked, that I wouldn't hold Raegan's hand on the trip back to the hotel.

It was like Raegan was a completely different person with a whole new personality, and I didn't like it. I didn't like this Raegan, but apparently this is the real him.

Somehow, I was scared of the BTS guys, as they call themselves. They are serious about this shit. Like proper. They travel for their clients and kill people. Between the seven of them, they've killed fifty or more people.

And Linden. She terrified me.

She was like the master of everything. The top dog, apparently my father gave her the position of the leader too. It gave me chills seeing how passionate and serious she was about this job.

It was like they had nice and innocent faces, but if you got to know them. They're in-fucking-sane. 

How the hell do I get out of this-

"Justin, you'll have to go undercover too." Linden informed me. I looked at her blankly. Yes, all of them are going 'undercover' so they can still freely roam around during the day and night. And I was supposed to be under cover too?

"But they don't know-"

"If they see you with our undercover persona's then they'll suspect something," Raegan told me and I nodded, not saying anything.

There is no backing out of this.

I'm going to become a murder, I'm totally not ready for this.



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