16 - let him in

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Me and Linden left our father locked in the room, while we dragged the traumatised Justin from the scene. We walked out of the club to see Cathal and Rosie beside Suga, who looked bored and tired. I handed him the keys, and thanked him.

"What do you want me to do with him?" He asked as a pink haired boy walked up to us. Suga smirked at him and patted his butt, making me realise it was his boyfriend, Jimin.

"Do whatever the fuck you want with him, don't kill him, or I swear Min Yoongi, I'll skin you," Linden warned before walking off. The other three trailed on behind her while I stayed with Suga and Jimin.

"Raegan, that sister of yours can be more scary than Yoongi Hyung," Jimin told me as we stared at the trail off down the alley way. I sighed and nodded.

"Just don't kill him, I think Linden is planning that." I told them and they nodded.

"Do anything but kill the bastard, got it." Suga nodded and I sighed giving them a high five each before I followed my sister and the three traumatised teens.

"How the fuck could he have the nerve to speak to me like a kid?!" Linden yelled pulling her wig off to reveal her natural brown hair. I sighed shrugging.

"What the actual fuck happened?" Justin whispered.

"That's the business we're in you fucking idiot, the business your father is certainly in charge of, now go back to the damn hotel and pack! Now!" Linden yelled, scaring the three of them, causing them to run off to the hotel. I looked atLinden as I stuck my hands into my pockets.

"You can go easy on them Linn, they don't know-"

"This is bullshit Raegan! They should know what type of man he is! He burned his entire family! He did it with a smirk of the pure de-fucking-light!  He's a sick person who deserves death and torture! People should know who he is!" Linden yelled as we walked into the hotel room to see the three packing.

"But they are still innocent." Linden laughed at me.

"Rosie and Cathal, sure, but Justin. No, he's the son of the top agents in America, he's not innocent," Linden huffed walking into the bathroom. I sighed rubbing my temples as Justin came up to me.

"Raegan, please explain what the hell is going on?" Justin asked, in a soft voice. I scratched the back of my neck, looking at the soft and innocent boy in front of me.

"Just forget what you saw Justin, at least for now. Enjoy your life without this. You're only 17 at the end of the day." I told him and he balled his fists and stomped his foot on the carpet.

"You're 17 too and living this life Raegan!"

"That's because I grew up knowing everything Justin!" I yelled. He blinked staring at me.

"Be thankful that this is the only time you'll ever enter this part of your life," I muttered to him before pushing past him.


"What the fuck?" I said loudly as I turned around to see Raegan's back.

"Raegan Alexander Beast, explain what the fuck is happening and explain why the hell you followed me to Japan after I broke up with you?!" I yelled to him. He took a deep breath before shrugging.

"I followed you because if you were alone, my father would've killed you. And for what is happening, what me and Linden are doing. It's revenge for the death of our whole family. So that's why you and your friends have to leave Japan." With that Raegan left the room. Linden was still locked in the bathroom while Rosie and Cathal packed their bags.

I stood there, looking at the closed door. My heart began to hurt. I don't know why, but my feet began to run after Raegan. I ran and ran until I seen Raegan sitting on a bench beside a blossoming cherry blossom tree.

Slowly, I walked up to him and stood in front of him. I put my hand through his soft brown hair, making him look up at me.

"I'm sorry for you family Raegan, I truly am. And I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this shit your entire life, but if you are willing, I want to be apart of your life. Well apart of my life that I haven't unlocked yet." My hand slowly slipped to his cheek. He placed his hand on top of mine before taking my hand away from his cheek and standing up.

"Justin I can't, you can't enter this life, because when you do, you'll have people you love being murdered left right and centre. I don't want that life for you. I can't tell you about it because I still care about you. I don't want you to become a target," Raegan whispered as he slipped his fingers into the spaces between mine.

"I want to-"

"No you don't. You only think that because of what happened the past few days. Justin, I wouldn't even wish this life on my worst enemy, so I definitely wouldn't wish it on someone I care about." He softly whispered as I walked closer to him.

"You still care?" I asked as I slipped my fingers into his free hand.

"Of course I care about you Justin. I never stopped, I knew I should've forced you to go home the second I seen you." Raegan muttered. I shook my head putting my forehead on his.

"No, Raegan I am happy to have seen this part of your life. Even if it's a bad part and a hard part." I told him. We made eye contact before I pulled Raegan into a hug.

I held onto him like life itself was going to end. And he held onto me like his life depended on it.

It's been a year since I last seen Raegan, but right now, in this moment, it was like I never left him. It was like we were still together and it was like the world was at peace, but deep down, we both knew how corrupt and imperfect life is.

But this moment. It is perfect.




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