How you met

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Before I start, here are some stuff you need to know!

Y/n is your name
L/n is last name
H/c is hair colour
F/f/i is favourite flavor ice cream
E/c is eye colour
F/c is favourite colour
F/f is favourite food
Y/f/c is your favorite café
S/n is sister name
B/n is brother name

If you have neither make up one and more will come soon!



You were training with Sasuke when he kicked you in your stomach and said, "you really are weak y/n." You got up and said, "tsk. I am not weak Sasuke." You ran to pound Sasuke in the face but a voice interrupted you. "Nee! Sasuke!" Turning around, you saw a girl with long pink hair and green eyes. "Sakura. You came alone?" Then an annoying voice was heard. "No way Sasuke! Who's this!!" Yelled a blond boy with blue eyes. "Hn. This is my cousin y/n Uchiha." Sakura gasped and said, "oh wow! Another Uchiha!" You rolled your eyes. Sakura then asked, " do you want to go on a date with me?" You smirked and looked into her eyes. "No." Then you walked off like a boss.


You were meditating alone in the forest. You heard a rustle from a bush and threw a shurikin there. "You see! I told you he's alert!" Yelled Naruto. You grin a little and walked over to the idiot. "Neesan you are too cool!" Yelled Naruto. You were Naruto's big brother. You had blond hair and blue eyes. "Hinata you can stop hiding yah know!" Said Naruto. Out walked Hinata from behind a tree. "Oh um um ah!" Hinata ran away and you stopped her. "Oi! Come back here!" Hinata turned around and looked into your blew eyes. "Yes." She asked with a red face. You smirked and said, "you are very pretty. I love your eyes." Hinata became red and said, "t-thank you!" She then ran off having a new feeling in her chest. This one stronger than what she felt for Naruto.


You were sleeping peacefully on a hill next to your cousin Shikamaru. Then you felt someone poke your head and heard a groan from Shikamaru. "What a drag. Ino can't you see I'm busy?" Said Shikamaru. A girl with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes said, "you're sleeping Shikamaru! Oh by the way who's the h/c haired dude!" Shikamaru rolled his eyes and said, "that's none of your business." Ino looked at you and you yawned. She blushed slightly and muttered, "well whatever. Oh!! Shikamaru we have to leave now!!! Sasuke is going to be racing against Rock Lee and I want to cheer him on! Let's go~" you groaned and said, "catch you later Shikamaru." You walked off with your hands in your pocket. "Your brother or cousin is cool!" Shouts Choji out of no where. "Tsk. Whatever let's just leave." Ino meanwhile blushed wanting to see you again.


You were a sand ninja. You were walking around your home town Sunagakure looking for a place to buy something cold. "God Suna is hot! I hope they have ice cream or something." You took a turn in the sandy streets and saw a small shop. You ran to it right away and looked inside. Glorious different flavors of ice cream was there. You walked in and walked towards the cashier. "I'd like 3 scoops of f/f/I ice cream please." The cashier nods and asked, "bowl or cone?" You smiled, "bowl." You collect your ice cream and payed. Then the cashier gave you a spoon and two napkins. "Enjoy sir!" You walked over to the toppings side. When you were about to take out some (enter topping) your spoon hits someone else's. Looking up you saw a girl with sea green eyes and blond hair in 4 parts. "Hey watch it!" She said. You smirked at her behavior. "Sorry ma'am." You allowed her to take her share and she asked​, "do you know who I am?" You shook your head a no. Just as she was about to answer a boy with a mask and black eyes walked in calling her away. You stood smirking and went out the shop eating your ice cream.


You stood next to your close friend Kakashi talking about girls in bras and underwear. "Kakashi-sensei! Tsunade-sama​ is calling you and y/n-sensei!" Yelled Sakura and Naruto. You and Kakashi ran off to the lady's office. "Kakashi!!!! Y/n!!!! You two perverts took too long!!!" Yelled Tsunade. "Tsk." You said. In walked a woman with black hair and black eyes. She wore a fishnet vest with no bra, a black jacket, black pants and black sanders. "Kakashi! Y/n! You'll go on a mission with Anko! It's a A rank mission! Don't die!" The woman yelled, "no way Tsunade!" You all ran out and the woman slapped your butt 😂. "Keep up pretty man!" You blushed and said, "tsk. You better keep up." You ran ahead faster than Anko and Kakashi with a smirk.

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