You meet her parents

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You were nervous. Holding Katara in your arms you smiled at your baby and kissed her cheek. "Dada!!" She giggled and clapped her hands on your cheek. You laughed a bit and stopped until Sakura came taking her baby from you. "It's time to go." You and your little family walked to Sakura's house. When you got there Sakura knocked on the door. Her mother opened the door and looked down at you with cold grey eyes. "Come in." Her voice was sinister. Sakura entered and looked back at you. "Don't screw this up." She warned. When everyone sat down in the dining room having something to eat in silence, Sakura's mom then broke the silence. "So what did you name my granddaughter?" Sakura smiled. "Y/n named her Katara." "Katara. That's a terrible name. Why not Rose? Or Tulip?" You glared at the Haruno. "Because she isn't a flower." Sakura's dad cleared his throat. "So y/n! How are you?" He gave you a warm smile. "Fine. And yourself?" "Are you done eating I want to have my granddaughter." Sakura's mom interrupted once more. You gave her a cold glare and said, "can you like....shut up for 5 minutes?" Sakura gasped. "How dare you tell my mother shut up y/n?!" You looked at your girlfriend. "She's being rude, annoying and obnoxious for a 49 year old woman!" Her mother gasped. "I am NOT 49 years old!" You chuckled. "Lady you sure do look like it." "Disrespectful little cunt!! Get out!!" You stood and picked up Katara. "Leave the child!!" Ignoring the married woman you exited the house and walked to the ice cream shop. "Ugly old woman."


You were very scared about meeting Hinata's father. It was Haishi Hyūga who wouldn't be scared!? Hinata was completely calm. When you got to the Hyūga household the first person that greeted you was Hanabi. The young girl smiled brightly at you then took Orata in her arms and squealed. "She is so adorable!" Hanabi then took Hikaru in the other arm and squealed more. "Oh my gosh I am the luckiest aunt ever!!" Haishi walked out and glared at you. You gulped feeling your stomach turn. "H-hi sir." You stammered. Haishi said nothing and entered the house. Hinata took both the twin and followed her father, then you quickly ran inside and sat beside Hinata in the living room. "You have gotten Hinata pregnant with twins. My daugher gave birth to the babies. I thank God she is alive and that the babies don't look like you. An Uzumaki." You glared at Haishi secretly. "That's kind of rude..." Hanabi muttered. Haishi shot her a warning glare then continued. "And you are also part owner of that nine tailed beast. That ugly thing." Hikaru began to cry. Orata looked at her grandfather and yelled out, "mean man!" Hikaru then hugged Orata. You held both the girls. "The nine tails is not ugly neither is he a thing." Hinata nodded in agreement. "Father you were being rude." Haishi looked at Hinata dead in her eyes then back at you. "That Uzumaki has changed my daughter! See! She is disrespecting me!!" Hinata frowned. "I am not being disrespectful." Haishi stood and walked to his room dramatically. You ran a hand through your blond and f/c locks. "Can we go now?" Hinata nodded. "Yes, but later. Hanabi wants to spend time with the children." Neji walked out and when he saw you he activated his byakugan. "Y/N!!!" You screamed and ran out the house, Neji chasing after you.

Imma do the rest when I feel like it 😞

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