She cheats

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Sakura had decided that since you were being so distant from her lately to try and make herself happy in some way. The Haruno visited Sasuke in desperate need of a friend. Sasuke had kissed her. One thing let to the next and the two are ehm....under the covers.


The Hyūga was never the cheating type. When Hinata went to the ramen shop, she thought she saw you sitting having a bowl while having a conversation with the owner's daughter. Sitting beside Naruto she had held his hand and they both shared a bowl of misu pork. Hinata kissed Naruto and he instantly kissed back. When Hinata got home and saw you cleaning up she grew embarassed and shocked realising her mistake. She accidentally made out with your twin brother.


Ino felt bad about herself thinking she was ugly and not enough for you when she realised you weren't giving her the attention she seeked. As Ino stood in the flower shop selling various flowers to customers Sai just so happened to pass by and saw her depressed face. He walked in and greeted her. "Hi Ino, I'd like a lily please." When Ino brought Sai the lily, and he paid for it, the ex anbu placed the lily in Ino's hair and grabbed her by the hand leading her out of the flower shop. "Looks like you need a break and a date."


Temari had went to Konoah for another mission. When she was there, she met Shikamaru. The Nara was intrigued by her and ended up persuading the female to go out on a date with him. Shikamaru was slightly forced by Ino to take Temari out. She didn't seem to mind going out with him, because Shikamaru actually gave her attention.

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