Your first fight

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You were calmly training with Sasuke when Ino decided to show up and ruin things. She smiled at you seductively. "Oh hi y/n! Hi Sasuke! It's so weird seeing you two here. You come here often y/n?" You ignored Ino. After training for hours you sat to get some water and Ino sat on top of your laps. "Y/n-kun!~" "Ino get off of me!!!" You glared at the girl coldly. She leaned in and began kissing your neck while you tried getting her off. Sakura came to check on you and saw this. In anger Sakura punched Ino in the face breaking her nose, then she kicked you 4 feet into the ground. "You disgust me!!" You got up from the ground and wiped away the blood. "Sakura you don't even know what exactly happened and you're already assuming I did shit when I didn't!" Sakura kicked dirt on you and walked away angrily.


Hinata sighed miserably picking up all the ramen cups and cleaning up after all your messes. You meanwhile lay on the couch eating ramen and watching a movie. Hinata gave you a look. "Y/n? Can you please help me out?" You didn't hear her. Hinata throwed away the ramen cups then began spraying the place with air freshiner trying to make the place smell pleasent and not like chicken ramen. "Y/n please help clean up!" Hinata desperately wanted you to clean up after yourself. You groaned. "Hinata I'm watching something." Hinata's eye twitched and she threw all the ramen cups on you then stomped away.


You and Ino were in the flower shop selling flowers to different people. At one time after 2 hours your friends were passing. Embarassed you began to hide. "Are you okay?" Ino asked concerned. You nodded nervously. "Yeah baby I'm fine." Your friends then walked in and laughed. "Bruh!!! Y/n is working in the flower shop!!" They left laughing even more. Standing you glared at Ino then threw the apron off. "Babe what the hell?!" You walked away. "I quit this job is too lame anyway!"


Temari looked at you in shock after you had yelled at her. "Hold up, all I do is tell you that I'm not the only one living here and that I need help around the house and you just blow up in my face?!" You grunted looking away from Temari's angry facial expression. "Whatever y/n you're not worth my time I'm so tired of you! Bye!" With that said Temari left to go see her little brothers slamming the door shut.

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