You both find out

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So, I have decided, I won't have both the reader and the girls cheating. In each scenario, there would be one person that cheats. *sigh* I also apologize for not updating in a while. I haven't been very active. I came down with a flu. Also, seasonal greetings 🎄! I MIGHT give you guys a Christmas scenario with only one female character. I beg of you just comment on which one.







The female with the most votes I'll do the Christmas scenario with. On with the chapter!!


Sakura stood before your shared bed watching in shock as you made out with Ten-Ten slowly removing her clothes. "Y/n!?!" Your head shot up and you looked at her in shock and fear. "S-Sakura I can explain!" "Explain nothing!! Ten-Ten get out!!" The brown haired kunoichi acted fast and left quickly while Sakura towered over you, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she cracked her knuckles. "I trusted you.."


Hinata nervously sat in bed beside you fiddling with her shirt. Ever since she made out with Naruto she has been uneasy. "Hinata you okay?" You asked wrapping an arm around her shoulder pulling her in close to you. "U-um..." She looked at you, tears in her eyes. "I-I cheated on you..." you looked at Hinata shocked. "Babe what're you talking about?" Hinata looked you in the eyes. "I said I-I cheated on you, w-with Naruto!!" You stared at Hinata, your chest feeling tight. "You're joking." "I'm not!"


You and your friends were hanging out in the park when you saw Ino and Sai walking hand in hand passing by. You stared in disbelief. "Hey y/n. Isn't that your girl?" You laughed nervously. "Whattt nooo!~ No way in hell could that be Ino." "Here you go Ino, a rose." You all heard Sai say putting a dark pink rose in Ino's hair. The Yamanaka blushed and smiled. "Awww thank you Sai." You clenched your teeth together tightly in anger. "That ungrateful bitch."


Temari had went out to buy a tub of f/f ice-cream for you and her to share since it was movie night (which occurs every Friday). When she got back and entered the living room, very excited, Temari watched as you flirted with Matsuri feeding her chocolate covered strawberries feeling dumb. "Y/n? Wait is this a genjutsu??" Matsuri looked at the Kazekage's sister and smirked. "I wish it was Temari."


A blush came across Anko's face as she was deep in reading Jaraiya's pervy book while she sat in the library. "Hey Hikaru." She faintly heard a familiar voice. Looking up Anko saw you talking to a girl with long firey red hair, dark blue eyes and freckles across her face. Hikaru had her lips locked with yours while your arms were around her waist tightly kissing back. Anko's blood boiled as she stood and walked towards you both, her eyes burning with anger. "What am I not good enough for you anymore!?!?!?!"

Rest in peace y/n. Anko had no mercy. 😔

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