You Meet Again

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You were as usual training with Sasuke. You heard a loud squeal and turned around seeing Sakura. "It's that pinky again." You groaned out. Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Tsk. I'll be on my way now. She probably came to see you." Sasuke left and you saw Sakura coming closer to you. "Hi!" She cheered. "Hello." You waved at her awkwardly. "My name is Haruno Sakura! What's your name?" She asked kindly. "Hn. Uchiha y/n." Sakura grins shyly. "Wonderful. You're an Uchiha! How does it feel being one?" Asked Sakura. "Boring." You continued to have a short talk conversation with Sakura until it became 3:02 pm. "Well I kind of want to know you some more. How about we hang out tomorrow?" You asked with a smirk. "Uh sure!" Squealed Sakura. You smirked and walked off.


You sat on The 4th Hokage's head meditating. Someone came close to you and you snapped your eyes open. "What?" You asked without looking. "C-can I join you?" You glanced and saw the same girl with lavender eyes. "Sure." She sat next to you with a blush. You then asked her a question, "hey what's your name?" The female blushed and said, "Hyūga Hinata. Y-you?" You grinned and yelled, "Uzumaki y/n!!!" Hinata blushed even more. "So uh, w-what do you want to talk about?" Asked Hinata. "Do you like ramen!!??" You asked. Hinata blushed, "y-yes." And like that you and Hinata became close friends. "So do you want to hang out tomorrow?" You asked. Hinata blushed and said, "uh s-sure!" You smiled and said, "see you tomorrow Hinata!" And you jumped off the Hokage's head leaving Hinata blushing.


You sat next to Shikamaru and Choji eating barbecue. You had your second barbecue and Choji had his 5th. "What a drag. Watching you guys eat is a pain." Said Shikamaru. "Shut up and enjoy it." You said taking a bite of your chicken. Suddenly you saw arms wrap around Shikamaru's neck and he yelped. "Hey Shika! Hey Choji!" Said the same blond haired girl you saw. "What a drag. Ino get offa me." Said Shikamaru. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" You asked. "What!? She is not my girlfriend and will never be!!" Yelled Shikamaru moving away from the girl. "And yuck! Never say I'm Shikamaru's girlfriend! Ever!" Yelled the girl. "By the way, hi!! My name is Yamanaka Ino! Who're you?" Asked Ino. "My name is l/n y/n." You replied. "Nice name for a nice guy." Flirted Ino. "Whatever." So you and Ino spent your hours giving small talk. "Want to hang out tomorrow??" Asked Ino. You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Sure. See yah." You walked off and left Ino blushing and squealing.


You were walking to go get f/f/I again. When you took a turn in the sandy streets on Suna you saw the same girl you saw the last time you went to the ice cream parlor. "Oh you again." She said taking out a giant fan. "Hm. Yes. Maybe we didn't properly introduce ourselves. My name is l/n y/n. Who may you be?" You asked with a smirk. "My name is Temari." Said Temari with a smirk. "Nice. One name. I like that." You flirted. Temari rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever. How old are you?" She asked. "I'm 12, you?" Temari smirked, "15." You were surprised at her age. "Do you want to hang out sometime?" You asked hoping for a yes. "Sure." Then Temari walked off. You smiled and continued to go get your ice cream.


You were reading Icha Icha make out paradise alone in the forest of Konoha. As you continued to read the perverted book you heard a rustle and threw a shurikin towards the sound. "Hey watch it asshole!" Yelled the same lady you went on a mission with. "Oh it's you." You said still reading the book. "Yes! So! What's your name!" Yelled the woman. "L/n Y/n." You said. "Hm. Great! Nice meeting you y/n!!! My name is Anko! My last name is too hard for even me to pronounce!" Yelled Anko. "Hm. Why don't​you wear a bra?" You asked with a perverted smirk. "Ah! Pervert!" Anko slapped you against a tree. "Maybe we can hang out sometime??" You asked groaning. "Yeah sure." Anko walked off and scared a squirrel.

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