Your first time

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This is an 18+ chapter and if you don't like that shit turn back now and read something else.



You had come to visit your girlfriend one day and saw the door of her house unlocked. Kind of confused and a bit worried you entered and immediately smelled a strong scent of cherry blossom perfume. Suddenly Sakura wrapped her arms around you and began giving you sloppy kisses from your jaw down to your neck biting and sucking on your sweet spot until a hickey was left there. "Y/n-kun~" Sakura whispered in your ear. You stuttered. "Y-yes?" Sakura held your hand and began walking towards her room. It was then that you saw the lacy dark pink lingerie she wore and a huge dark red blush came across your face. "U-uh S-Sakura?" Sakura smirked at you and pushed you on to her bed climbing on top of you sliding your shirt off. "Just relax y/n-kun I'll take care of everything~" Sakura whispered as she ran her fingers on your chest and abs. She then slid your pants off. You blushed very hard and looked away from Sakura as she began to touch your member saying, "oh are you hard for me baby?~" you nodded embarassed and choked out a, "y-yes S-Sakura." Sakura chuckled and licked her lips. "I'll take care of that~."


Naruto had dragged you to the salon to get one thing done. Your hair dyed. He was tired of people getting mixed up with the two of you. "Just colour the top of your head some other colour!!!!" He yelled. You grunted and dyed the top of your hair f/c. Naruto felt satisfied. On your way home you met up with Hinata who was a blushing and stuttering mess. "Y-y-y/n I w-w-would like to s-s-show you s-s-something." "Oh okay." Saying bye to your brother you held Hinata's hand as she led you to an abandoned house. You were confused."What're we doing here?" Hinata didn't answer and just entered the house going straight up the stairs into the nearest bedroom. You quickly followed. When you entered the same room as Hinata you stared at the girl blushing heavily. She was in an ornage lingerie. You literally drooled at the size of her breast and ass. "H-Hinata-chan?" Hinata blushed and said, "I-I've been wet for you a-all day y/n-kun." You grew excited and walked over to your girlfriend grooping her soft breast watching as her face expression changed as she faught back lustful moans. "Moan for me please, Hinata~" you whispered in her ear. Hinata didn't do anything until one of your hands slipped into her wet underwear and you began to finger fuck her. Feeling that pleasure loud moans escaped her mouth. You kissed her deeply as you continued to finger Hinata while rubbing her breasts pinching her nipples softly. "Y/n~" Hinata moaned more when she felt your hard member touching her stomach. You stopped what you were doing and immediately Hinata started to undress you. "My turn~"


You held back the huge moans in your mouth as you felt Ino rub your member in public while at dinner with Shikamaru and Choji. Ino carried on the normal small talk convo like nothing was happening. You couldn't help but unzip your pants feeling Ino's fingers wrap around your cock rubbing it up and down watching your face expression. "Are you alright y/n?" Choji asked. You nodded and ended up chocking out a, "yeah I'm fine." Two minutes after the food came and you and Ino ate you walked out of the resturant holding Ino's hand saying, "be back in half an hour!" Ino dragged you to the nearest desserted park and you both lay right on one of the benches not giving a fuck who saw making out and removing each others clothing. You opened Ino's legs and began licking and fingering her womanhood watching as she moaned your name loudly biting her lips. She suddenly cums on your face but you didn't mind and just licked up the cum smirking at your girlfriend. You used some of her cum and rubbed it on to your cock moaning at the hardness and slowly slid inside of her wet and warm womanhood kissing her deeply.


Temari had come over to your house bringing sleeping clothes excited about the sleepover you two were going to have. Although you thought it was too girly you held it anyway for the sake of your girlfriend and not wanting to disappoint her. As you sat on the couch watching a movie together you began rubbing Temari's thighs going closer and closer to her womanhood watching her reaction. She was neutral and continued calmly watching the movie. Not seeing anything happen you took this opportunity to rub her pussy through her underwear feeling as Temari immediately became wet and her face expression changed. She glanced over at you blushing heavily holding in her moans as you removed her panties and continued to rub her. Slipping your fingers in at some time. Temari continued to say nothing and just moaned opening her legs wider.

Sorry I couldn't get to do Anko.

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