When she's on her period

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"Can you please past the cake?" Sakura kindly asked laying on her stomach. You cautiously handed the pinkette the cake on the plate. "Are you uh, okay?" You asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Sakura slowly began to eat. "Thanks." "No problem?" You finally got a little too worried about Sakura and asked her the reason for being so kind to you. "Oh I'm on my period. I'll be back to normal later."


"IT HURTS!!" Hinata screamed in your ear literally crying as she cradled her belly. "What hurts!?" You yelled confused. "UGH!" Hinata picked up a pillow and threw it at your head glaring. "Get me pain killers and water you brat." You stared at her in confusion. "What the..." Quickly you left to get Hinata the pain killers and a glass of water. Handing it to the Hyūga she snatched them and glared more. "Get out!"


"You are useless!!" Ino screeched in your ear grabbing the chocolate from your hand. "I know." You lay back down annoyed at her extra loud yelling. "I swear to God the Universe can hear your loud ass mouth." "And I swear to God if you don't get me more chocolate I will be feasting on you." You gulped and stood quickly getting Ino chocolate while she chuckled darkly.


You sat beside Temari watching as she clutched her shirt eating her pain away and watching television. "Look at that..." she said pointing at the boy that died in the movie. "He died." She started crying. You held up your headphones and plugged it into your phone. "Uh-huh." You then placed the headphones on your ear blocking out the sounds of Temari's crying.


"GIVE ME THE DANGO!!!!" "NO!!!" You held the huge sweet treat away from Anko as she stretched and tried grabbing it glaring at you. "I WILL HURT YOU!!!!!!!!" She screamed jumping on you scratching at your face. "AH!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!!!" Anko grabbed the dango and began eating it still sitting on you.

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