She finds out she's pregnant pt.1

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This is a 2 years time skip.

Sakura (her pov)

I looked at the pregnancy test one last time shocked. This can't be happening. The one time y/n and I do it without a condom and I get these results! I nervously looked at my mother and father wanting to tell them but I was too scared. I had to gather courage. Come on I'm Sakura Haruno! Tsunade's apprentice how can I be afraid of telling something this simple to my parents! I sat my mom and dad down and said, "I'm pregnant...." my father stood calmly and left the room. My mother stared at me in shock. "What?! When?! Where?!?" I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "L-last week y/n and I-" "Y/n?? Y/n Uchiha?" "Y-yeah." "You're dating an UCHIHA?!" "Uh-huh." My mom then did something weird. She squealed and ran up the stairs boasting to my dad. "Our daughter is pregnant for an Uchiha!" >.> come on I'm only 17!!! All she cares about is the money! Mom then ran down the stairs with my BAG!!! My CLOTHES were in there!!! "Mom what are you doing??!" She laughed. "Now we know that you're with an Uchiha we don't have to take care of you anymore." "But!" "No buts young lady." No way! My mom grabbed me by the arm and dragged me straight to the Uchiha compound. I saw y/n running out confused looking at me then my mom and the bag of clothes. "What's going on??" He asked in his oh so dreamy deep voice. "Sakura is pregnant! She's all yours!" My mom threw me over into his arms as he wrapped his arms around me. "Sakura is this true?" My mom left skipping and giggling. I looked into his onyx eyes and nodded crying. He smiled and kissed me deeply. Shocked I kissed back, happy that he accepted me.


Neji had entered Hinata's room looking for his new katana given to him as a gift which Hanabi hid out of jealousy. He couldn't believe his own little cousin would be so cruel and betray him like that. As he searched Hinata's room desperate to find that katana to at least hurt either you or Naruto he saw something he wish he hadn't seen. A file. Not just any file. When he opened the file his eyebrows furrowed in anger and his byakugan suddenly activated. "Lady Hinata!" Neji screamed. In ran Hinata worried that Neji was in pain, but Neji just stared at her. He glared and asked, "who's file is this?" Hinata gulped looking at the pink file. "M-mine." Neji held his head. "Are you serious?" Hinata nodded tearing up. Neji grabbed her hand and took her straight to your apartment holding poisonous kunais in his hand. "Y/n open up!!" He yelled. Hinata started to cry. "Please don't hurt him." "I don't want to hear it Hinata." You opened the door and saw the crying byakugan princess then looked at the angry facial expression displayed on Neji's face. "You did this to Lady Hinata!!!" You were confused. "What did I do?!" Neji threw the file at you and you read it. "P....pregnant?" Hinata hid her face in shame and cried even more. "You will not get away with this y/n!!! You are going to take care of the unborn child whether you like it or not!!!!" You nodded holding back the happy/sad tears that wanted to escape your eyes. "Okay." Hinata was then dragged away towards the Hyuga mansion. Luckily Haishi was out of the village for a while and only Hanabi found out about this news.

Ino (her pov)

"No way it can't be." I looked at Sakura once more. "Are you sure!?" Sakura nodded. "You're pregnant." I started to cry. "Sakura what am I going to do?" Sakura was absolutely no help. She laughed and said, "I don't know think of something." When she left I was devastated. I went home and saw my dad making dinner. Nervousness took over my mind as I tried to form words, tried to tell him that I was having a child. Dinner was done and I gathered up all the courage I had in me. "Dad I'm pregnant." My father just stared at me. He asked. "Come again?" I gulped feeling tears fall from my eyes quickly. "I-I'm pregnant." My dad stared at me. "Who's the father? Is it that l/n boy I see you've been running around with??!" I struggled to get the yes out my mouth so I just became silent. "Get out." "But dad!" "Get out!!!" I stood and quickly ran to my room packing my clothes. I left the house and headed straight to my boyfriend's crying. When he opened the door I sobbed into his arms muttering that I was pregnant. He only slid his arms around me smiling/frowning and rubbing my baby bump taking me inside. "You're staying in my room okay?"

I will do the rest later 😧

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