a/n (must read)

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Okay a/n's are rather annoying I know and people don't like reading them and I hate reading them and even seeing that the author of a book has something to tell us. Bleh I usually skip the fucking chapter. "I don't care what it is about!" Be like fuck that, gimme the story.

Well. I am very sorry for my slow updates again. I am going to school people. S c h o o l....aka hell. And well we are giving shitty assignments, shitty homeworks, pop quizzes, inside class tests to study for, etc. And this term all of that is being added up for our grade out of a hundred. (All of this is based on coarse work) meaning that everything I do pertaining to school work is added up, blah blah blah, WHAT THE FUCK YOU GET OUT OF 100%.

Fuck my life man......fuck it.....

Okay so I will probably (idk maybe, might) be active and updating this book (if I have any idea on what the hell to write next) but also I might be very busy on assignments I have two due next week Tuesday and Friday and I have books to paper and a very mean mother to deal with in between.


I am just once more sorry for not updating much o(╥﹏╥)o
I promise (meh, maybe) that whenever I am TOTALLY free, maybe at the end of this shit term I WILL TRY to update this book more, try see I put that in bold just in case you guys have fucked up eye sights. Sorry this had to be so long and very boring. Bye!~ ಥ_ಥ

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