🎃Special Chapter🎃

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I'm so sorry for being late!! 😭 I was very busy so I haven't even been active much 😣.

Hw/c- halloween costume


Excitement took over Sakura as she slipped the long white dress over her and prepared her make-up. You watched her for a full 2 minutes thinking to yourself of how childish and stupid this was. Katara sat down patiently waiting on you and Sakura dressed as a witch, holding her pumpkin basket.

You were dressed as hw/c. After Sakura was finally finished with her ghost costume she grabbed Katara's hand and walked out the house leaving you behind to lock up. You all went trick or treating.

"Trick or treat!" Squealed Katara. The man smiled at her very weirdly, his eyes going all over her small 4 year old body. "Trick...or treat...." he thought out loud. The weird man smirked at Katara and reached forward to grab her. Your daughter screamed and turned around to run into your arms. You asked, "what's wrong hon?"

Katara pointed at the man and whispered, "he was going to take me away." You stood and activated your sharingan taking out the man's heart and squeezing it. That's how you spent your Halloween.


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Hinata was dressed as Bloody Mary. You were as hw/c and the twins were zombies. While trick or treating at 11:30 pm many different people began to light up their pumpkins and then exit houses. More children ran out their houses and asked around for candy.

"Trick or treat!!" Yelled Orata. The old woman at the door had fulled her pumpkin baskets with lots of chocolate and she whispered, "don't let the snakes get you!" Orata giggled yelling, "I'm not afraid of those!" The old woman's eyes turned from blue to a light grew with no pupils.

"Okay Hyūga princess." Hinata turned around swiftly after talking to Sakura and asked the girls. "Who were you talking to?" You came walking towards the two with Hikaru next to you smiling brightly. Orata pointed to an old fence with an old dark broken house behind her.

"There was an old lady that gave me candy!" Hinata felt chills run down her spine. The woman that lived there died in that very house. She took Orata's hand and said, "time to go home." You placed gave Hinata a quick kiss. "Come on the girls are having fun. Do you want to ruin Halloween for them?"

Feeling a little guilty, Hinata sighed and you all went over to Ino's housw where she threw a Halloween party for all the adults, while the kids stayed in the yard, and played with their toys. Nobody went home until it was 2:00 am, and all the jack-o-lanters were out.


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Ino was excited to celebrate halloween. She's been planning all year for this day. Ino decided to throw a halloween party! She invited all her friends that had kids. For halloween, Ino was dressed as Rapunzel, d/n was a fairy princess and you were hw/c. The party started and you took d/n out trick or treating.

She didn't like the loud music and neither did you. When you went around to different houses some naughty children threw fake bugs on d/n expecting her to scream in fear and cry, but instead the child used her shadow possesion jutsu and made the children do embarassing dances.

 When you went around to different houses some naughty children threw fake bugs on d/n expecting her to scream in fear and cry, but instead the child used her shadow possesion jutsu and made the children do embarassing dances

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Since Gaara was free from work today, he decided to spend halloween with you all. Gaara felt Shinki and s/n hold on to his two arms bugging him yelling, "Uncle Gaara can we go get candy?!" Gaara was annoyed. So you know what happened? Nobody got candy!

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