she gets jealous

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You sat down opposite Sakura in a fast food resturant on a date. From time to time the pinkette would just, touch your hand or play with your hair. It was starting to really annoy you but you just decided to ignore it. When the waitress came over she looked you up and down and smiled dreamily. "Hi my name is Mina, what would you like to order?" The white haired girl continued to look at you. Sakura glared at her getting very angry. "Can you stop looking at my boyfriend like that?" Mina looked at Sakura. "Sorry ma'am I didn't see you. Anyway!" she turned her attention back to you. "What may I get you Mr. Uchiha?~" You gulped and said, "(enter drink) would be nice." Mina then looked at Sakura with attitude. "And you?" Sakura continued to glare at her. "Water." When the waitress came back with the orders Sakura noticed HAIR in her water. She yelled, "this is so disgusting!" Mina glared at her. "Oh,oops. My bad." Because she couldn't take it anymore, Sakura threw the water all over the bitch and pushed her against the wall, sending chakra to her hand she repeatedly punched Mina to the face. You were both kicked out of the resturant and Mina was fired. :)


You held your girlfriend's hand as you both walked through the crowd heading to play a game to win a prize. When you got to a spot you saw a girl with long blonde hair in a red suit and black stockings chewing gum. Hinata felt uncomfortable and squeezed your hand. You payed and so Hinata picked up a ball and tried to get it through a flaming hole. "You get the ball through 3 times, you win whatever." Said the girl looking at you with a seductive smile. "Hi I'm Janette." You smiled back nervously. "I'm y/n Uzumaki." She giggled. "You're so cute~" hearing this Hinata aimed the ball at Janette's head and threw it there hard. "Ow what the hell!!" "Oh no I'm sorry. My bad aims." The girl glared and gave the ball back to Hinata. "It's alright." Hinata secretly glared. "So are you doing anything after this?" The girl asked you. Growling, Hinata threw the ball this time at her eye. "What the f#*!" she screamed holding her eye. "I'm so sorry!" said Hinata. Janette growled. "Just get the ball in the damn hole at not at me!" Hinata jumped right over the counter and began punching Janette in the face over and over again until you picked her up and dragged her away. "Let me at her!! I didn't get to punch her teeth out!!!"


Ino had begged you to go to a party with her, and soon you lazily agreed and said, "meh sure." When you got to the party you saw lots of girls hogging on guys and guys hogging on girls. It was disgusting. Smiling and blushing, a girl with dark purple hair walked over to you both and she wrapped her arms around you clearly drunk. "Hi I'm Betty!!" She screamed. You tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge. When Ino saw this she grabbed Betty by her neck and threw her straight through the window causing it to break and glass to go through her. You sweat dropped and asked nervously, "you okay Ino?" She glared at you kissing your lips passionately. "My boyfriend!!" You two never went to another drunk party ever again.


You sat opposite Kankuro playing checkers with him, laughing at how he kept losing. In walked Matsuri smiling seductively at you, but you didn't notice. After losing for the 4th time Kankuro got up and left to use the bathroom. Then was when you saw Matsuri. "Oh uh how did you....what are you doing here?" Matsuri giggled. "I was going to visit Gaara-kun, but I changed my mind. I'm here to see you y/n-kun." You stiffened a bit. "Uh, why?" Matsuri sat next to you and smiled brightly. "I wanna get to know you that's all." Temari used her giant fan and swatted Matsuri out the building through the window like she was a bug. "Next time you see her, yell for me."


You sat down in Kirigakure reading a book on the grass minding your own business, when a young woman around the age of 22 came over to you and sat down beside you. "Hey there. You know this isn't Konoha right?" The orange head looked at you up and down. "Yeah I know. I'm waiting for someone." The woman nodded. "I'm Rin." You glanced at her. "My name's y/n." Rin giggled. "Your name is so cute. I love it." Anko all of a sudden walked over to the two of you and grabbed Rin by the hair. "F#*! off!!!" Rin screamed and ran away. Anko sat beside you. "Waiting on someone or your girlfriend!!!!" You gulped. "B-but we came here for-" "I'm just messing with yah."

below are the girls:

below are the girls:

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okay bye now

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