She finds out she's pregnant pt. 2

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No words could have escaped her mouth as Temari pressed a hand down on her belly once more sensing the chakra of the baby. "I'm not I?" Kankuro was by her side trying to put things together. "So he got you pregnant?? Wow. Gaara is going to kill you." Temari teared up a bit. "I have to get rid of the child-" "no! Are you crazy??" Kankuro stood and stretched. "I got an idea." Kankuro visited Gaara saying that he and Temari were going out of town for a while. When Temari came by your house and told you she was pregnant your eyes grew wide and the first person that came to mind was Gaara. "I'm screwed." You muttered. Temari felt really nervous. "Fuck I want to get rid of it so bad...." You looked at Temari and frowned feeling bad for putting her through this. "I'm sorry this is all my fault." Temari smiled a bit and placed her lips on yours kissing you softly. "It's going to be alright."


You tried avoiding Anko as much as possible hearing about all the temper tantrums she's had lately. Of course you wouldn't want to be near that woman when she's mad. It's just as worst as Tsunade's anger issues. When you hid behind the book shelf you heard Anko scream at the liberian and you felt thankful knowing it wasn't you. Somewhere in the store even Kakashi was hiding. Anko came your direction and you quickly hid your chakra. "Shit..." you muttered. Anko continued walking your direction. Until she got there she picked you up by the shirt and screamed at your face. "WHY DID YOU GET ME PREGNANT IDIOT?!?" You literally peed your pants. Anko glared at you, smoke exiting her nose. "It's not my fault!!!!" Anko tightened her grip. "I WISH WE NEVER ATTEMPTED TO HAVE SEX WITHOUT THE GOD DAMN CONDOM!!!" You turned red feeling embarassed that almost everyone in the store heard that. "You got a monster pregnant??!" Yelled an old man. Anko glared at him. "SHUT UP." The books nearby fell. You smiled nervously. "U-uh can we discuss this when we get home?" Anko glared at you. "Yeah sure!"

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