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Sasuke snickered as he watched you try to activate the mangekyu-sharingan. The Uchiha felt pride knowing that he could have activated it and you couldn't. "Y/n....give up already." You turned around and glared. "Fuck you Sasuke." He laughed. "No fuck Sakura." You couldn't stop the blush from forming on your cheeks. "Tch. Whatever." The pink haired kunoichi came walking towards the both of you carrying something behind her back. "She sucks at hiding emotions." Said Sasuke as he stood and left the two of you alone. "H-hello y/n-kun." "Hi...Sakura." She gave you a card with the Uchiha crest and Haruno crest. He opened it and saw letters in bold writing saying, "I really like you y/n-kun." You tried hard to hold back your smile and nodded. "I like you too. Sakura."


Naruto was sleeping in yet again. This really annoyed you, since you both were supposed to go train early together at 5:30 am. But no!! Naruto decided to be a bitch and went, 'sike!! You thought!!' Sighing you left on your own to go train on your own. When you got to the forest you saw Hinata practicing with her byakugan. Your bright e/c eyes scanned over her body (not in a perverted way) watching her moves. 'God she's better than me.' Your thoughts were interrupted by a kunai coming towards your face. "What the–" you dodged and looked at Hinata. "S-s-sorry I thought you were a-a-an intruder." She whispered quietly. You smiled and held her hand with a light red blush. "U-um...I like you Hinata." You quickly kissed her cheek. Hinata smiled. "I-I-I like you too. I've a-always wanted to say that.."


Shikamaru sat in the garden drinking cold strawberry juice while you sat beside him drinking some mango soda. It was a boring day. You were both too lazy to train so this is the first thing that came in mind. "Hey have you heard from Ino today?" You asked. Shikamaru gave you the 'wtf' face. "No, why do you ask?" You scuffed. "I'm just uh. Wondering if she's okay. If she's, eaten." "Dude wtf–" "sorry I'm kinda weird!" Ino came running towards the two of you with Choji lazily running behind. "Do I get chicken after this?!" He asked. "No." Said Shikamaru. Ino then sat beside you and gave your cheek a long kiss. "You are now my boyfriend."


Gaara looked at you blankly while Kankuro tried to process what you just said. "Repeat that." Said Gaara. "I....I love your sister and I would like to date her." Kankuro couldn't believe his ears. Gaara was silent for a full 15 minutes. "And why should I allow you to date my sister?" The Kazekage stared at you. Gulping, you looked at the floor feeling uncomfortable under the stare of the sand assassin. Temari walked in. "I heard enough. Gaara you don't have any power over me!" Gaara looked up. "Fine you can date the ugly blonde." He stood. "Now get out my office before I kill you all." Kankuro scattered not giving a fuck about the rest of you. Gaara laughed a bit. "Idiot."


"So let me get this straight. YOU want to be WITH Anko?" Trying hard not to blush you nodded. Kakashi laughed. "Trust me you can't handle a woman like her–" "I can! Don't underestimate me! I am a great shinobi! I can achieve many things and I will be able to confess to that smoking hot woman without messing up." With fake courage you walked towards the dango shop and saw Anko sitting there eating some of the tasty treats. "H-Hey!" 'Fuuuuucccckkkk how could I stutter.' Anko looked up and smiled a bit. You walked over to the female and sat opposite her. "Hi y/n! Want some?" You were shocked when she offered to SHARE some of her dangos. "Sure!" When you reached to grab one she smacked your hand and your face. "NO!" You groaned a bit. "Enough games Anko." She laughed. "You seem like you want to talk business. What's up?" You gulped again. "Uhh...I like you Anko!!!!" There was silence for three minutes until Anko stood and stuck one of her dangos in your mouth. "I grew to like you too y/n." She winked at you and left blushing a light red.

FINALLY IM DONE WITH THE THIRD CHAPTER.....only number 3 wow I suck. I'll try to work on this book more 😅😅.

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