You get jealous

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Three years time skip •_• sorry!


So you and Sakura managed to date for three years! Look at that! What a wonderful three year relationship. Now you are both 15! Yay!

Oh the sarcasm.......

Today was Ino's birthday, and so she decided to invite you and Sakura to her birthday party! Nobody wanted to go......but they had no choice! When everyone entered the blonde's house you were all greeted by her parents (idk if her mom is alive or dead since I've never seen her) who were both very annoying. They sat everyone down and started talking about when Ino turned 14, her birthday party and the people she invited. As her parents talked you glanced at Sakura and whispered, "I see where Ino gets all the annoying ranting from." Sakura giggled, but not at what you said. She was laughing with Sasuke who cracked a few jokes. You felt furious! Jealousy had taken over you. You never felt so annoyed in your life! So what did you do? Sat right in between the two and asked, "so what are you two talking about? Can I join in?" Sakura rolled her eyes and whispered, "somebody is jelly." "I'm not."


You were fine with Naruto hanging out with you and Hinata when you guys were out. You were completely fine with him being the third fun wheel, since Naruto didn't exactly mess up romantic moments. But you were not fine seeing Naruto get all talkative with Hinata. She still blushed and stuttered around the male somehow this time. Or was it because she thought he was you! Before Hinata could have leaned in to his Naruto, who was completely lost on what to do, you pushed your brother out of the way and sat in his spot with a glare kissing your girlfriend. Naruto stood. "Hey what was that for?!" You glared at him. "That was for trying to kiss Hinata." "I didn't know!!! She was trying to kiss ME!!!" ;^;..."idiot."

Ino (your pov)

Oh why did this blank ugly short haired pale mother fucker have to go near MY Ino. Listening to myself I feel like a crazy yandere boyfriend. I'll cut back on calling her mine. Anyway! So Team 7 introduced their new member Sai to us. "He was in the anbu." Tch. Anbu my ass! I'm stronger than them. I think. Sai walked directly over to Ino. "You are so beautiful." He gave her that weird smile. "O-oh. Thank you." She started to blush a light pink. The fuck? He picked up her hand and kissed it. Noooooo he did not! >.>
He was about to kiss her lips! I wasn't gonna let it happen!! -_-. Pissed as fuck, I punched him right in the face and dragged Ino away. "Stay the hell away from my girlfriend!!!"


You never thought of your brother as the kind to try and steal women's hearts, until this day when he pulled a stunt. B/n was flirting with Temari, constantly touching her hand and rubbing her leg. Every time she told him, "I'm taken!" B/n ignored her, thinking Temari was just lying. You grabbed Temari's hand and walked away throwing kunai's at your brother's head. "Shouldn't have left your girl near me you little bitch." "Mom should have left you at the hospital you older bitch."

Sorry I couldn't get to do Anko

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