You meet her parents pt.2

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"I-I'm kinda nervous." You finally admitted to the Yamanaka holding on to your baby girl. "My dad is not a shark so don't be." She reasured you. D/n grabbed your finger and began to put it in her mouth thinking it had a taste. "Don't do that d/n." You said removing your hand. When you got to Ino's house her father opened the door and smiled warmly down at the three of you. "Come in." He said. You all entered and sat at the back of the yard in the patio. "So you're y/n. The guy that stole my daughter's heart," Ino's father paused for a while, "and her virginity." You turned red. "Y-y-yeah a-about that." "Oh that's alright. I'm Inojin." Inojin shook your hand. "What's her name?" He asked running a hand on d/n's blonde hair. "D/n Yamanaka." Ino placed d/n in her laps. "She's 5 months old." D/n giggled drooling on Ino's hand watching for her mother's reaction. "My hand's wet- oh my GOD EW!!!"


"My mom's a hot head. My dad's calm." Was all Anko told you before you got to her parent's home. "Okay." You held Akira in your arms while she punched your face with her tiny hands. "That's my little monkey!~" Anko cued. When you got to her parent's home, a middle-aged woman with fading black hair and sharp gray eyes stared at you in pure hatred. "Come in~" her voice sounded sinister. All three of you entered the house and she took you all straight to the dinner table. There sat a middle-aged man with fading brown hair and black eyes. "Hi. My name's Chima." The man stood and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Mitarashi (I forgot her last name so bare with me please). I'm y/n." The woman sat beside her husband's chair and Chima sat back down. You two sat and Akira was placed in her high baby chair. "This is my wife-" "Goru." The middle-aged woman stared at you in more hatred. You gulped. Akira laughed and clapped her hands. "What's the child's name?" Guro asked. "Akira." Anko answered. "Thought her name would have been Dahli. Thank God you named her Anko." Guro said. Chima cleared his throat and poured four cups of tea. He then placed the cake before you all and placed a bowl of porridge before Akira. "Eat up. You need to get big and strong like your grandma and mommy." You gulped and cleared your throat scratching your h/c hair. "Is it time to go yet?" You whispered to Anko. "No." When you took a sip of the tea, forgetting to raise your pinky finger, Guro attacked. "Look at this goat doing shit in front of me."

I said I would finish off the chapter, and I did 😳👀.

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