First Kiss

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Sakura (honestly why do I even have her here? >.>)

Sitting down under the tree in the shade away from the hot sun, was Sasuke Uchiha. The fuck boy I mean, savage boy. Beside the spoiled brat was his obnoxious cousin. You
Mwehehehe!! >:)
Finally we have Sakura, and Naruto. They were spearing. "Good idea me. Let the losers practice." Said Sasuke to himself. You looked at him. "Have you gone mad??" Sasuke looked at you. "No...." Obviously lying to your face. "Wow–" you were interrupted by Sakura sitting beside you clinging on to your arm. "Y/n-kun!!!" You looked at her. "Hm?" She giggled. "You are so cute." A light red blush came on to your cheeks. "T-thank you." Leaning forward she quickly kissed your lips and blushed. "Wow my first kiss." She squealed and jumped up. "Taken by an Uchiha!!!!" The pinkette ran off to tell all her haters to make them feel jealous, and the first person she ran to was Ino!


You sat next to Hinata on her couch in her living room chatting about (insert random topic). As you talked occasionally your eyes would flicker to her plump pink lips, wishing you could just kiss them. Hinata saw you look there many times catching on to the fact you wanted to kiss. Trying to be brave, she sat closer to you and wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you in close smashing her lips on to yours. "Lady Hinata!!!" The Hyūga quickly pulled away blushing a dark red. "N-Neji-san!" "I don't want to hear it!" Neji looked at you and activated his byakugan. "Shit."


So this is what happened! You and Ino were spearing! She cheated!!!!!! Cheated!!! ;-;
The blonde flirted distracting you and placed a kiss on your lips then attacked you. Meh she didn't win though. Because you ended up catching her in your shadow possession jutsu.


Gaara didn't trust leaving his sister alone with you. Well that's cause he doesn't like you. This is how your first kiss went!

You and Temari were about to greet one another passing the same direction!

Kankuro came running and he bumped into you! Behind Kankuro was Gaara!

You fell on top of Temari kissing her!

Gaara got angry!

Kankuro got scared!

You ran for your fucking life. ಠ_ಠ


Who would expect you and Anko to be together I mean seriously. Can you keep up with that woman? you cannot. (¬_¬)ノ
She walked over to you and hugged you. Kakashi winked and gave you a thumbs up. You showed him that bird and quickly kissed Anko.
She did not kiss back.

Anko bitch slapped you. "Too early to be kissing da queen BITCH!!!" ಥ⌣ಥ

Ughhhhhhhh I was so bored when I decided to just type this.

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