Teasing Her

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Sakura was not in the mood when you came into the bedroom screaming something about no food being cooked or no snacks to eat. And unfortunately for her you at that moment didn't care if she wanted to kill you, because you were hungry! With a deep sigh you plunged beside her in bed and lay your head in her laps, to which she shoved.

"Aw come on babe, I only wanna talk!~" You teased at the pinkette. "Go away y/n. I'm not in the mood." She muttered. "Your forehead's gonna explode if you don't calm down!~" Sakura's piercing green eyes bore into your soul. "What did you just say?.." You tap on her forehead, "this. It's gonna explode! Now wait a minute...is that why there's nothing to eat? You were so stressed on being mad that you forgot to get the groceries and everything?! Oh poor Forehead-chan!"

Sakura got up and left with nothing to say to you as you laughed to yourself. "Oh come on Sakura you know I'm only teasing! But I am hungry so..." The front door slammed shut to indicate that she left, and you had to fend for yourself.


"Damn. With breasts like those I'd be afraid to run!" You teased Hinata as she adjusted the straps on her workout tank top. She of course didn't respond. "Hey when you run, do your boobs just go flying everywhere or do they hit you in the face?..." Your question lingered there and Hinata's soft eyes glanced your way for a split second.

She again said nothing. Tightening your shoes you then straightened up after and stretched, watching as Hinata did slight jumps for warm ups. "Is your back killing you? Mine would be killing me with jugs that size!" "Y/n." Hinata calmly called out your name, "can you stop with the breast jokes?" She tried her best to be polite with her words.

"Sorry! Your pillows are just so mesmerising, I can't help but address them! Are your breasts gonna keep in place when you run? Don't want them spilling out so the world could see! Just checking, gotta be prepared to protect your dignity!—" "don't run with me." Hinata said in a very upset voice. She left you behind, but you jogged up to her, giving her a toothy grin while she turned her face from yours.


The doorbell atop the door of the Flower Shop Ino owned rung once a customer had left the area waving her a bye. "Thanks for shopping with us!!" Ino called after. She had a giant smile on her face for she had just booked a Wedding Appointment with the gentleman that walked in! He bought all the Ume and Tsubaki there was to offer, his heart full of joy!

Ino felt great herself to be play a part in this man's life, and she felt a feeling of success that her flower shop was being recognised for such important events! She couldn't keep the excitement so she ran inside the back room to tell you all about it! "Y/n!" She called to you. "Y/n!" "Yeah?" You looked back at her removing your mask. You were dirty since you were working on a little glass cupboard for Ino to sell some pastries, she hadn't the money to spend on it so you decided to build one for her.

"What's up?" "I sold a bunch of owers today for a wedding appointment, isn't that amazing?!" "A bunch of what?" Realising what she said Ino's cheeks flushed red. "I-I meant flowers. The Tsubaki and Ume are all sold out, I'll have to restock tomorrow." "Ower?" You laughed a little to yourself. "It was just a mistake in pronunciation y/n. No need to make something about it." "No I'll make something of it! Glad you sold owers Ino! Really looking forward to seeing what these owers are actually!" "Not funny, Y/n." "Oh it's funny!" Ino gave a harsh sigh, embarrassed enough that she made that mistake she left the room quickly.

"Wait! Can you bring me back an ower?!"


Hello fellow male and female readers! I haven't updated this book in at least 2 or 3 years! Well, I was scrolling through to see which book I should try typing a chapter in when I noticed I had 34/35 chapters posted! I didn't even remember I had this in my drafts. I still suffer from writer's block for those of you who are aware, but slowly I am writing again!

I've decided to remove Anko, sorry about that!

It's kind of difficult to find an attraction towards her! So I'll have to find a replacement for her! If you have any other characters to recommend replacing her with, please go on ahead and drop them in the comment section!

It's quite possible, depending on the characters and how many that I'll be adding at least two extra characters so I can make the future chapters a bit more lengthy!

Do have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! 😊👍

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