The Break Up

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Yes I am back.

Yes I know I took too long.

Yes I know you're probably tired of these excuses.



"I trusted you...." she continued cracking her knuckles approaching you a bit faster. Her fist was raised. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!" With one swing Sakura gave you a hard punch to the jaw. She got on top of you and continued beating the absolute shit out of you, punching your nose and eye. "Sakura stop!" She looked at her tightly folded fist and began to cry, crimson blood covered them. "I can't believe you would hurt me like that, y/n. Was I not good enough?" She whispered getting up. "S-Sakura I'm-" "save your apologies, y/n. I'm done." "SAKURA!" Before you could reason with the pinkette she already left slamming the door shut.


"You're joking." "I'm not!" You continued staring at Hinata. "How could you NOT see the difference Hyūga?" You calmly asked. Hinata fiddled nervously with her fingers. "H-he just looked so much like you. A-and it was an accident." "No. I knew you used to like Naruto. But I didn't think- I never thought, that you would make a move on that bastard." "T-that bastard is your brother! And I didn't make some move it was an accident!" You glared at Hinata then looked away. "Get out." "What?!" Hinata asked shocked. "GET! OUT!" You screamed at the byakugan princess. "FINE! I KNOW I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG ANYWAYS!" She quickly packed her bags, gave you one last look with tears rolling down her eyes, then left.


"That ungrateful bitch." In anger you walked away from your group of friends storming over to Ino and Sai. You grabbed Ino's hand startling her. On seeing your face expression and immediately noticing the situation that she had been caught, Ino stepped in front of Sai. She pleaded. "Y/n it's not what it looks like-" "not what it looks like? So my girlfriend isn't on a date with another guy? Okay. I'm dreaming." Ino's lip began to quiver knowing exactly what was coming next. "You two deserve each other Ino." "No wait y/n please!" Ignoring the blonde you walked away heading to your friends again. "Damn so are you two done?" One of them asked. "Let's just go."

I'm stopping right there. I'm way too lazy to do Anko's.

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