Hey this is going to be a book of just tags ...random thoughts...rantz ....bantz and all that jazz
So if you want to know more about me this is the place to be
Okay it is now exactly 2 am as I write this so you know what that means....it's another rant! And when I rant it gets a lil deep at times so just keep that in mind and read at your own risk.. Be careful but there shouldn't be anything that bad though.
Growing up. This terrifies me but not in the traditional sense of reasons of why people are likely to be afraid of it.
What most people mean when they say they are scared of growing up is that they are scared of getting old and having to be responsible and get a job and adult.. Having to pay bills...driving a car and such. Sure that thought kinda scares me but not as much as the actual reason I'm writing this now.
What scares me is how we humans evolve year after year. Last year I didn't have the same mind set as I do now... Maybe it was similar but now it's a lot stronger but we as human beings grow by experience. So next year I might have a totally different mind set and It'll hopefully be for the better. It scares me how I'm not my best now. As a person that is. How I don't know everything and I never will.
Im not sure why this thought in particular scares me but it does.
Also how things never stay the same and over this past month Ive learned so much about that and still am. And I hate how I don't know in the first place and how I have to learn about it and ughhhhhhh.
And I hate it. I hate change. Me and change don't mix well at all. Why? I don't know either None of this makes sense but I just wanted to write my feelings down while still updating because I miss ya guys... Yes you reading. Even though you probably don't think so.
Anyway.... Something positive about all this is how.. We evolve in the first place We become better and stronger Not only for us but for the people that you love and help
So how's your day? How are things? What's your thought on all that blabbering you just read? I would love to know
Before I leave here's a cool fact I found on tumblr that'll help you guys for the upcoming school year... *cries*
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Yeah I'm definitely going to try that. Especially for history.