Hey this is going to be a book of just tags ...random thoughts...rantz ....bantz and all that jazz
So if you want to know more about me this is the place to be
Hey before I start anything I am aware that I have to be very careful with what I say and that this is a very hypocritical thing of me to write about because I do this from time to time but I've started thinking about it more recently. Internet. The place where we go to unwind and relax and just forget about our worries and procrastinate.... But you know what really gets me? How in today's society my generation is so sad. When you go onto tumblr or on any social media site it seems for that matter you always see stuff like:
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This. You see that little number at the bottom? That stands for how many people liked it and most likely related to it. 894 people almost a thousand! That's so sad and dont get me wrong I know the internet is a place where you can express yourself but at the same time it just really hurts to see things like that. Or stuff like this:
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32,742 people liked this. And I hate it but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it... Oh wait but there is What little power I have which let's be real is close to none I can at least make sure that my blog is positive and safe for everyone. And I know those of you who actually keep up with my blog is laughing reading this because it's so negative sometimes and for crying out loud I write poetry on the internet and to put it lightly it's not exactly the most positive thing ever. So who am I to question and try to do something about it? A no one. But who I am is a teen scared for her generation and where it's headed and what I can do is try to help with what little I have. Which is posting stuff like this:
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Or like this:
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I'm not saying that the next time you see my blog it's gonna be all rainbows and butterflies because this will take time. But what I can do is say that I will try. And I encourage you to do the same because you can do it too. Because the world is already a cruel enough place as it is but we can at least build a little sliver of it that is beautiful. And I know what you're thinking "People don't care" But I mean just in case because I sure do care when I see stuff like this What gets me most upset or rather disappointed is seeing people make jokes about dying like: "Ugh I have company later I'm gonna kill myself" Yeah there's posts like that and people say stuff like that day to day and it makes me feel uncomfortable and just pure mad. Because there are people who ACTUALLY feel like that and aren't just kidding for the heck of it. And I hate how being depressed is the new cool in a way. That's what's popular and I can't stand it. So that's why I think shoving a little bit of positivity can do a lot. Also I used to have "friends" who would tell me to kill myself for weeks and then when I said "Why are you telling me stuff like that? " (because at the time it really hurt to be told that because I was going through a tough time) And they just laughed and said "Oh stop being so sensitive we're only kidding. " ONLY KIDDING That same person used to say the were gonna kill themselves and then come back with saying they were kidding. KIDDING WE SHOULDN'T JOKE ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS ANYMORE BECAUSE THERE ARE STRONG PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY FEEL THIS WAY AND CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT
Phew that was a lot I'm sorry I just have strong opinions on it and call me too sensitive but that's just how I feel. That was another emotional rant I'm sorry I'll try to put up more light hearted stuff next because we can all use that right now. Tell me if you've ever thought about this as well as I have and let me know your thoughts in the comments I love reading them and answering. And please let me know if I over stepped and was being rude because if I was I will edit this and fix it. Sorry in advance if it was And I really hope this made sense. Until next time BYE.