Hey today marks a year since the terrible Orlando shooting that happened in pulse, an lgbt+ community club. 49 were killed for something that shouldn't even matter.
Being gay, straight, bi, trans or anything shouldn't matter because at the end of the day we are all humans with a life. And love is love. Don't be afraid of loving who you love because it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks because it's your life and you deserve to be happy.
If you want more information on this topic please go check out Tyler Oakleys chosen family:stories of queer resilience series that he has recently come out with. It is very inspiring and informative so I suggest you go check it out :)
In the video about pulse he goes around Orlando interviewing different people about that horrible day and even though they went through such hardship they still managed to stay strong and together because at the end of it all comes so much love and passion for what they believe is right. Love wins. I think we can all learn from that.. Meaning that whatever may be going on good or bad we can all still somehow be there for each other.
If you made it this far and actually read the whole thing thanks.
Bye... Stay safe.
Ps: again this is reposted so it not actually today
Indecisive mess
RandomHey this is going to be a book of just tags ...random thoughts...rantz ....bantz and all that jazz So if you want to know more about me this is the place to be