Hey this is going to be a book of just tags ...random thoughts...rantz ....bantz and all that jazz
So if you want to know more about me this is the place to be
^^^Haha thats an aux chord I found outside of a Barnes and noble.
Hey! So I was tagged by ThisGeminiReadsBooks (one of my favorite people ever that has a spam book so if you want you should totally check that out) to share thirteen facts about myself then I have to tag thirteen people. I think I've done something like this before,but times change. So it should be different.
•1• I've been wanting to cut my hair shoulder length for about a year now, but each time I try to do it I chicken out.
•2• I've been playing the ukulele for a year now!!! Wow time flies.
•3• I'm in Photoshop right now as I write this.
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Our assignment is supposed to be that we create something weird but then it has to make sense??? So my idea was to create an "ink pool" and these little doodle creatures and walking pens are gonna be having a pool party. To symbolize the way the ink blotches when you wait too long. Which means that the person writing waited to long because they're day dreaming. Hint the party and such. I don't know if that made sense. But if it did please let me know if you like it or what I should change about it. Or scratch the idea completely because it's that bad.
•4• these facts are being written through out my school day so it may be a bit random or rather week
•5• I told my teachers about what happened with my poem!!! Finally...it was hard,but at least that's over. Or so I thought because when I told my English teacher about it she said she wanted to make an announcement tomorrow, so I'm super nervous about it.
•6• they didn't do the announcement YAY...Well at least not yet
•7• I'm playing rock band right now. The Beatles one to be exact oh no I changed it to green day
•8• I'm a very indecisive person. So much so that I can't decide if I should open up another account on wattpad for my trash and have this one as my main one where I can just be me. Trash meaning me actually posting a phanfic while trying to be aesthetic. I don't know let me know if you guys would follow and read and maybe share. I've been wanting to do it for awhile now but I don't want to jinx it.
•9• im sick so I ended up staying home from school today YAY. But then im gonna miss a test so...I'm worried for that
•10• I'm not that interesting a person so these "facts" are pretty boring.
•11• Everything sucks!, a Netflix original, is the best show in the world for me right now. I literally finished it in a day so I highly recommend.
•12• I apparently lost a lot of weight recently wot up
•13• last but not least (or maybe it is i don't know that's for you to decide my friend) I can't wait for the summer to come. It can't come fast enough. I know what you're thinking "don't we all?" And you would be right but I'm just more excited for this one in particular because I have a lot of stuff planned!!!
Im not going to tag anyone,but if you want to do it you know the drill.
That concludes whatever this was. Whatever it was it took me way too long to finish. Literally on and off for maybe almost two weeks. I hope you liked it though! And that it wasn't too boring. I hope you have a great week and that you are having a fantastic day. And if not I hope it all turns around soon. Thanks for taking time put of your day to read this. Until next time BYE
Spoiler alert: I actually ended up making another wattpad where there is gonna be a phanfic up there soon that I have been working on for awhile,so if you want to be there for that follow me -muteblush- An account where I try to be aesthetic and deep pleasefollowiloveattention