chapter 14 - Why did i have this happen again?

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A/n: so i am gonna post less because my sister had a baby!!!! so ya.

y/n pov 

I started to untie Garroth, when i heard Travis putting the password in. I pulled the last string to free Garroth's leg. Me and him rushed over to the book case that was surprisingly there. When Travis came down he had something in his hand. A bat.  Garroth was about to scream. I covered his mouth with my hand. " shhh i'll be back." I whispered. " what?! are you crazy he will kill you! your already hurt!" he whispered yelled.

I rolled my eyes. " how is that stopping me? Look if he does hurt me then it was for the best. Your more hurt than me. I have just cuts, you have a stab wound." I whispered. " don't worry about me. Just make sure your ok and that you get outta here alive." I said. Then an idea came about my head. "Garroth i know of a way to get you outta here." I said.

Travis pov

When i walked in i saw that the chair was empty. Dang it! How could i have let him get away? I walked around to see if he was still here. When i turned the corner i saw the one person i was hoping to see. " ah so, he actually did leave you didn't he?" i said. there stood yn. It really did hurt to see her with cuts and bruises but hey, she is still alive isn't she? " Yeah he did i let him. What's it to ya? You gonna hit me with your fancy bat?"  She said. Hard to get eh? We'll see about that.

Garroth's pov ( so many pov's) 

I started to walk towards the door when i over heard their conversation." ah so,he actually did leave you didn't he?" I heard Travis say. It hurt to hear those words come out his mouth cause technically i am leaving her. "Yeah he did i let him. What's it to ya?" I didn't hear the rest of what she said i zoned out. why IS she letting me go? I should be the one to protect her. I mean she is the love of my life, but to see her like this is just sad. I thought. I was brought out my thoughts by Travis walking up to yn. He was about to raise the bat. I ran over to them and stood between yn and Travis. When he lowered the bat, it went right across my face. Thud. Then everything went black. 

yn pov

I opened my eyes to see Garroth knocked out cold on the floor. "Garroth!" I yelled. I check for his pulse. Nada. I cried. This can't be happening. It's like my childhood all over again. ( I thought the flashback with the childhood was in this book but its in the other one im writing on my other page) 

~flash back~

my mom was depressed. she has been in a abusive relationship for about 5 years now. I don't know how she is still but she has. Everyday i asked my mom, as a kid, when will she just run away and just leave me and my brother with him. Everyday she told me " don't think like that! there is no way in heck i'm leaving my two children alone." She didn't even know he hit me. it was almost my birthday. I was turning 18. My brother already moved out. I sat in my room when i heard my dad screaming. It wasn't girly but it wasn't manly either. I sat up in bed and went to check.

My mom must of heard it too because she bursted the door open and ran down stairs. I don't even think the door was suppose to open the way it did. When i reached the bottom of the steps, i saw my dad in front of broken glass bottles. He looked at my mom then me. Sadness and anger looked in his eyes. He walked up to my mom and straight up smacked her. I cried. Seeing this happen before my very eyes. " You bastard!" I cried. "What did you just call me?!" All the anger boiled inside him. "YOU HEARD ME!" I screamed. "That's it! I had enough of both of you! If you," He looked at my mother. "Where awake made this mess would have never happened!" I couldn't take it. My mom was standing there taking all of  this non sense. If i was going to do something it was now or never. 

( long flash back i know!!! i'm so sorry T-T) 

I  walked up to him and smacked him. He stood there for awhile. my mom had her hands over her mouth just watching. " I have had enough of your bull crap! You treat this woman with respect!" I yelled. I heard i low chuckle. " And who do you think you are? " he said. I was frightened. Love ya mom but those 10 seconds of my life i regret." D-Dad i'm s-sorry really! I-I don't know what happened!" I said backing away. " You deserve what's coming to you!" He yelled. He grabbed a bat that was by the door. " STOP! " My mom yelled I was against the wall and my dad was about to swing. He didn't stop. my mom jumped between us and took the hit.

~ flash back finally over~

I must have spaced out for a while because Travis was hugging me. who does he think he is? I pushed him off me and scampered away to a corner near me. I looked at him. sad, frighten and a hit of regret lingered in his eyes. I didn't feel bad one bit. "yn can we just talk?" He said. I gave him a nasty look. "Talk? you just hit one of my best friends and you want to talk?! Travis how could you? He was your best friend too!" I yelled. He looked at the ground and sighed. " I'm sorry ok? Something is seriously wrong with me. I'm not the one telling myself to do this." He said. I couldn't believe that one bit. " Travis you think i believe that?! Seriously dude, you cut me, stabbed one of your best friends, and now killed him. If i were to believe you one bit then i would be consider crazy!" I stood up. I should have stood up slower because I got really dizzy. " yn are ok?" Was the last thin i heard before i blacked out. 

Well this was an interesting chapter. Hope you enjoyed and again sorry for the long flash back!! It's 5:07 am where i am and i can't even think straight so sorry if it sucks. Anyway see ya next time love ya <3 

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