chapter 15- Game plan

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A/n: so sorry for slow updates! I couldn't post due to family activities! Anyway enjoy!

yn pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was taco wrappings all over the floor. As i sat up I slowly realized who room this is. Travis. Of course i knew it was him. He came over to my house one day and all he wanted was taco's. No lie Travis is good at making taco's. I looked around a bit more. I got out of bed, avoiding the taco crumbs and stuff, And walked over to the door. Before I could open it I looked over at his computer. My eye's widened. 'How to dispose of a dead and unconscious body' read on the screen. I back away slowly. I bumped into a wall. "T-This can't be real..." i thought. "........Travis isn't crazy......right?"  I headed for the door once more and heard footsteps on the other side along with something sliding against the floor. I opened the door to get a peak. I saw Travis and a giant box. He slid the box into a corner near a window. Just as he was about to dump whatever was in the box out side, the door bell rang.

Zane's pov ( yay Zane the hero!)\

Once Aaron woke up aph, we decided on a game plan. We are all gonna go to Travis and the guys place. Then once we are in side aph is gonna say she has to use the bathroom and go upstairs. She'll find whatever she can to show proof Travis kidnapped yn or has something to do with her missing. If she finds proof we call the police and ambulance, just in case she's hurt, and get this whole problem situated.

 If we don't find any prove then we question him about her absents. Most likely he'll know that aph must have told us and try to hurt her. Which shows why we have Aaron coming and not staying back. We would have just sent aph but we had enough of people going missing, one is too many. Then once we question him, we tie him up and look for any trace of yn. This plan is perfect. Nothing can go wrong. 

Aph's pov 

I rang the door bell.I heard foot steps on the other side of the door. I started shaking. What if the plan goes wrong? What if Travis did hurt her? What if he has someone else we know hostage? What if........she's gone? All these thoughts rushed through my head. I started to Tremble as the floor steps were only a few feet away. Aaron must have noticed my trembling and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it as if to say everything will be alright. ( cause every little thing, is gonna be alright. No?Just me? Ok..... i understand) I stopped shaking a little bit. Of course me and Aaron aren't dating, but it feels like we have been for awhile so he knows what goes through my head. 

The door swung open. " hiya Travis!" I said. "Hey guys, girl. What can i do for me amigo's?" He asked. He looked pretty drained. I felt bad to bother him until i realized what we were here for. "We wanted to come hang out with you. You aren't busy are you?" Aaron said for me since i didn't answer. "Oh, well at the moment no bu-" "Great thanks!" Zane said. Him and Aaron walked past him. Travis looked back at me. "I'm so sorry about them." I said. "No reason to apologize sweetie." Travis said. I regret i did. I pushed past him and walked into the living room. I looked at Zane who was talking to Aaron. Probably just to remind him what is going to happen. Travis walked in and sat down next to me. 

"So you guys wanna watch a movie?" Travis asked."Sure i'm down. What about you two?" I asked. I completely forgot about the plan until Zane gave me a look, it felt like he was looking into my soul. " Sounds  great to me." They both agreed. Travis put in frozen. I screamed at the top of  my lungs. "Geez aph, keep it up and you wont have vocal cords while we don't have ears." Aaron said covering his ears. " sorry..." I said looking back at the TV, giggling. 

* time skip cause i'm boredededededed*

It's been a good 15 minutes into the movie. Time to start the plan up! "Hey guys i have to use the bathroom. Don't worry about pausing it,  remember what happens here. " I said. I ran upstairs before anyone answered.  " if i were a Travis, where would i hide a body?"  i  thought. "Ah ha! A box!" I whisper yelled. I need to be swift and quick. I ran towards the box and was about to open it when i heard a familiar voice say " I wouldn't touch that if i were you..."

Thanks so much for reading! You don't know how tired i am but i stayed up for you guys! Love you all! Have a wonderful night/day!!!!!!!

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