4: Born ✔️

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Music: Pokémon Riot - Fade X

Tails' Workshop

"You've got to be joking. If I left this room there'd be no one to look after you." Rouge grinned, facing the red echidna.

"Ha, very funny." Knuckles muttered back, crossing his arms.

Tails glanced behind him at the two argumentative Mobians, a frown on his muzzle. The red male had dropped by after the young fox had called him about what had happened, and Rouge decided to stay a little longer until the four hedgehogs came back. The twin tailed male had no idea what they were talking about, but it was beginning to annoy him.

"Imagine if we were locked together, twenty-four seven. I wonder what that'd be like." Rouge grinned. Knuckles' muzzle painted the same colour as his fur, clenching his fists as he glared up at the ivory bat.

"Listen bat girl, get this straight. I'd rather live in solitary confinement than with you." He yelled at her, waving his namesakes.

Rouge hummed a laugh, floating down to the ground, "What would you do if Eggman captured us?"

"Hmph, it'd take more than a few scrap piles to catch me." He muttered, crossing his arms once again and closing his eyes.

Sapphire orbs looked at the red male, a grin forming on her lips, "If that day did ever come – I hope we share a cell."

Knuckles' purple eyes shot open, facing the bat as she flew back slightly, "You're batty!"

Tails rolled his orbs, "Can you guys give it a rest?"

"I will once I give her a knuckle sandwich across that smug face of hers." the red echidna muttered, turning away from the two.

Rouge placed a hand on her hip, "Knuckle sandwich? Jees, that was real clever."

"Who asked you?!"

The twin tailed fox groaned, banging his head against the desk. He hoped Sonic and the others were having better luck than him. Speaking of which, it had been over three hours since he last had contact with those four Mobians. Surely it wouldn't take this long – especially with the Ultimate Lifeform knowing his way around the ARK and being about to use chaos control.

The young fox was beginning to grow slightly anxious – surely Eggman wasn't doing anything too bad up there right? Tails turned to Rouge, his tails moving at his side, "Hey Rouge, what did it look like Eggman was doing on the ARK?"

The ivory bat turned to face him, placing a hand on her hip with a sigh, "To me? It looked like he was creating another Shadow." She tapped onto her GUN wristwatch, "According to our database, that red substance is linked to the same liquid that was acquired by Black Doom's DNA."

Tails froze. They all knew how Shadow was the first time he came to this planet. He worked for Eggman, ready to destroy it for Maria but later conclude that indeed wasn't her wish. The Ultimate Lifeform was fearsome and would stop at nothing, even though his sole purpose was to bring peace and tranquillity. If Eggman was building another Lifeform, it wouldn't be anything like Shadow – it would be worse.

"Hang on a sec," Rouge mumbled before holding the earpiece, "Yes, this is Agent Rouge – mhm – right – no way! How is that possible?" The female glance worriedly towards the two males in front of her, biting her lip anxiously, "Okay, we will leave immediately."

"What's wrong?" Knuckles asked, clenching his fists.

Rouge ignored the red echidna and turned straight to the twin tailed fox, "Tails, we need to get to Space Colony ARK immediately."

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