16: Start of a Team?✔️

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Music: Force - Alan Walker

"Jayde, you're hurt." Tails spoke, but the grey hedgehog simply shook her head.

After being told by him that Cleobella had some kind of mind control on her from Eggman, she didn't care how injured she was. She needed to save her friend from his evil clutches, "It doesn't matter."

"You're crazy." Scourge muttered, fiddling with something on Miles' desk.

Jayde smirked, "Thanks."

"Yeah, but it's not impossible." The anti-Tails spoke, placing a hand on his chin, "If you know what kind of substance Dr Eggman used on that fox, it's more than likely we already have an antidote on it."

"How?" Rosy asked, bounding through the doorway, followed by her Mobian twin.

Miles simply shrugged, "It's Moebius – we are opposite." He opened a nearby cupboard, "All these range from antidotes to poison darts – just make sure you know which one is which." He smirked slightly at the end. The twin-tailed Mobian walked over to the cupboard, muttering to himself as he tried to find the right kind of treatment for the light blue fox.

"So, what's your plan to get that fox back?" Jaylee asked, staring at them boredly.

Jayde shrugged. Sonic spoke up, "It's more than likely that if Adversity rebelled, she probably sent Eggman into this dimension too. She may be evil but she's smart."

"How do you know that?" Miles asked.

The blue blur smirked smugly, "Because I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"

"That and you looked on my security device covering Eggman's lair." Tails spoke aloud, still looking in the cupboard, "Ah, ah!"

Sonic frowned, "Thanks, bro..."

Tails smirked back towards his proclaimed brother with the same attitude and produced a small bottle of purple liquid, "If I can mix this with some healing treatment, it will start destroy anything that shouldn't be in her system straight away."

"Think you can accomplish that? Seems a bit of a challenge for you, twin." Miles teased with a grin.

Tails gritted his teeth at his twin, but didn't respond. He knew that he could do it, and with Miles saying he couldn't, that only pushed his motivation further. He would help Jayde, and he would save Cleobella – and return them all home.

With the Moebians

"Why did you save Jayde?"

The green male looked down from his throne and to his blue lookalike walking into the room. Jaylee stood next to Scourge, leaning against his throne with a look of boredom still plastered on her face.

"She's powerful." Scourge simply replied with a shrug.

"And you think that if you saved her, she will automatically join your team?" Sonic asked, resting his knuckles on his hips.

"No," anti-Jayde spoke, stepping forward, "She said she will help us save Moebius."

Sonic smirked, "Too weak to do that yourself, Princess?" He spoke, directing his comment to Scourge.

The King of Moebius stood and growled, "I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself - but at least I know I've always go back up."

"Ha, you think Jayde will back you up? Jaylee tried killing her."

The grey female crossed her arms, "That was before I could see how powerful she was. Now, I know we can use her, there's no reason for me to end her existence."

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