9: Old Friend✔️

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Music: Electrode - K-391

Few hours later...

The four hedgehogs and the twin tailed fox continued to walk through the forest. The sky above them was slowly darkening more than it originally was, and they needed to find a place to set up camp for the night.

"So, basically, you left Knux and Rouge to fend for themselves, trapped in the ARK?" Sonic asked before snickering, "Man, I'm going to have to check out the security footage to see how many arguments they get in!"

The ebony hedgehog muttered, "They better hope they don't break anything."

Jayde hopped beside him and nudged Shadow, "Have a little faith, Shades," she chuckled, "Sure, they may dislike each other, but I've seen them working in battle together – they're secretly a good team."

"You know, even though I'm not there, I can clearly hear you through this communicator," Jayde jumped as she heard the red echidna's voice and glanced at the device on Tails' wrist, "I don't appreciate being doubled up with this bat at all."

"Aw, Knuckie!" Rouge pinched his cheeks, "Don't be jealous just because I'm understanding more of what Tails is saying than you!" Knuckles grumbled under his breath and shoved her off.

The twin tailed fox had been talking them through everything they needed for the device and he wasn't even a quarter of the way through yet. It seemed to be stressing Tails out more than the two aboard the ARK.

Tails dragged a hand down his face as Knuckles once again produced the wrong screwdriver head, "Knuckles, for the last time – that's a tri-wing, not a Phillips head!"

"They're both the same!" Knuckles snapped, "What's the difference!"

"One had three points and the one you want has four – it's the most common screwdriver you need!" Tails yelled out in defeat.

Jayde chuckled slightly, placing a hand on Tails' shoulder, "Don't worry – there's no hurry to leave here, right?"

"Unless you want to battle Scourge and his gang every day, then yeah, there is a hurry." Amy spoke, crossing her arms.

The Protector shrugged, "Makes a change from Eggman battling us every day."

"Oh, how kind you are, renegade. And to think – I was going to go easy on you this time." The five Mobians turned quickly, staring up at the bald headed, evil genius above them, rubbing his moustache.

"Any battle is easy with you, Egghead." Sonic spoke, placing a hand on his hip as he smirked.

The Doctor laughed at the azure hedgehog, "Ah, Sonic, my nemesis who won't be around for much longer. Don't you remember my creation on the ARK?"

"Does this conversation come with a chili dog? I feel like we'll be here for a while." Sonic asked the hammer wielding female beside him who giggled at his comment slightly.

"Silence!" Eggman yelled, grumbling, "As I was saying – that creation is researching her heritage," he glanced towards the Ultimate Lifeform who gritted is teeth, "So, I've got another friend to help me."

"Since when do you have friends?" Amy asked, leading the blue blur to look at her with wide eyes.

Sonic looked towards Jayde with a smile on his muzzle and placed a hand on Amy's shoulder, "She's learning from me!" The ebony hedgehog simply rolled his eyes.

The Doctor above gritted his teeth before aiming his weapon and firing towards the Mobians. Shadow was the first to notice because the others were talking and shoved them all to the side, "Less talking, more fighting!" he snapped.

Jayde the Hedgehog • Rising Adversity [2]Where stories live. Discover now