7: Did He Just...?✔️

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Music: Vertigo - Rob Gasser

Space Colony ARK

The twin tailed fox had landed them safely onto the ARK, each of them looking around at the old, abandoned space craft. Purple orbs glances around, still feeling a strong amount of Chaos energy up here, even after so long.

Rouge rubbed her arms, "It's hard to believe this has actually been up here for over fifty years." She spoke, wrinkling her nose at the smeared windows.

Tails nodded as the red echidna spoke, "I can still feel Chaos energy here... and another strange power."

Sapphire orbs rolled, and she bumped her hip on him, "Well, duh. That's because Eggman just used a Warp Ring to transport those hedgehogs to another location." Knuckles shoved her off, "Where do you think they ended up?"

Tails was walking ahead, looking on his device at the map displayed, searching for the lab. He knew that the doctor would've been here last, not only for a Warp Ring but probably most of the remaining information on Gerald. He sighed, "If what I fear is correct, there's only one other dimension apart from Silver's that uses Warp Rings."

"I thought they were used all over the multiverse?" Rouge asked.

"They are, but only a few dimensions use them properly. We aren't one of them and I have no idea why Gerald would have a Warp Ring up here in the first place." The three made it to the lab, gasping at the mess Eggman had left. Tails rushed over to the computer, scanning through all the files the evil genius had looked through, "Eggman has taken every file with information stored with Shadow and Black Arms."

"And we agree that's bad right?" Knuckles asked, walking up beside the young fox.

"Of course! With that information, Eggman can truly create another Ultimate Lifeform – and with the amount of DNA he had, I fear it may be even stronger than Sonic and Shadow combined!" Tails stated, glancing around the room.

Blue eyes noticed an empty pod, one that looked like it had been storing something powerful. A shiny object caught his attention and he walked over to it, leaving the two treasure hunters talking, "What do you think Eggman's creating?" Rouge asked.

Knuckles looked around, tossing an unnamed file on the side. He looked at Rouge and shrugged, "Ask Tails – science isn't my type of thing."

"What is your type of thing?"

Tails rolled his orbs as he heard the two begin to argue again and resumed looking through boxes. It had been ages since they were last up here, and the ARK didn't look well-kept either. Seriously, the GUN agents could've at least cleaned the area a bit before putting up cameras – what was the point otherwise? To be honest, the young fox was amazed that they picked anything up in the first place with the amount of dust covering them.

Tails wondered where the hedgehogs had been warped to. The only place he could think of was the home of his evil-twin or perhaps the No Zone, but other than that, no one else used Warp Rings for transport.

If they had been transported there, Tails didn't know how he could communicate with them or return them. Sure, he may be a child genius, but interdimensional transportation? That's not easy. It would involve recreating either the Warp Ring's magnetic field or the Warp Posts – and unless they had them over there, he couldn't do that without some kind of damage.

The twin tailed fox sighed before throwing a few objects out of the box behind him before he heard a loud, and strangely familiar ping against the floor. Purple orbs immediately turned to the sound and grabbed the ivory bat before a portal opened before them. Tails cried out as he lost his grip on the side and was sucked through the portal, "Knuckles!"

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