13: Round Two is Worse✔️

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Music: Nightmare - Veracity

A few hours later...

Jayde smirked, swinging from the trees branches to meet her attacker's hits. This battle was pleasing. It felt nice to release all that anger locked inside. Her grey lookalike growled, looking up at the female, "Come down here, you coward!"

"Oh, like this?" The Protector jumped from the high branch, spin dashing to land a quick attack on her opponent, before landing softly on the ground. Jayde's smirk widened as she watched Jaylee growl at her in anger, "Don't go all pouty on me now, Jaylee."

"Don't get cocky."

They ran at each other again, Jaylee drawing back her fist to hit her Mobian twin in the stomach. Jayde gaped, but quickly ducked on the incoming attack, before swishing her leg and knocking Jaylee over. She landed with a grunt, Jayde quickly pouncing on her before they wrestled along the dirty ground.

Sonic and Scourge were also locked in combat, but they fought standing up. Sonic shoved his counterpart back before swinging his foot around. At this point, Scourge was already planning his next attack and soon, fist connected muzzle and foot connected chest. They simultaneously groaned as they flew back. Sonic dodged another hit from his evil twin, barely swaying right from the swing. The sapphire eyes stared into his emerald ones, only a little less friendly, "Give it up, Scourge. I could beat you any day and you know it!" the blue hedgehog yelled.

Scourge merely chuckled, "Sure, you could beat me," the green male scoffed before pulling down his glasses and looking towards the two grey females battling it out. Jaylee hardly moved from the punch aimed at her before giving a mean right hook to Jayde. Sonic watched as his friend flew back, scrambling back to her feet, "But what about your friends?"

Sonic glared at Scourge, "They'll beat you all."

Scourge chuckled darkly, "Amy could possibly beat Rosy, just like Tails could possibly beat Miles – but what about Jayde?"

"She's strong enough to destroy Jaylee."

"You think?" the green hedgehog watched as the opposite females collided with each other, "Jaylee may seem good but she's not. Boy, is she one of the meanest girls I've met."

Sonic chuckled, clenching his fists, "Boy, have you not changed Scourge." He drew his fist back, smacking him straight into his stomach. Scourge turned in mid-air, landing safely back on his feet, "So, what's the deal with you and Jaylee?"

"Jaylee? Oh, she's different." Scourge muttered, glancing back at the two grey hedgehogs, "Most girls from this zone are dark from the get-go."

The cobalt hedgehog rolled his orbs, "Like I haven't heard you say that before." They went into another full blown fist fight.

"Yeah, you have. She also chooses to be evil. And do you know why?"

Sonic stared at his Moebian counterpart, "Because she hates you and wants to murder you when you least expect it." Scourge shoved him back a good few meters, getting some distance between them. The green male growled at him.

"No. It's because she's just like me."

Sonic relaxed a bit, looking over to her, "Hm, nope. She's a girl... And she's grey. There's a big difference between green and grey, you know."

The Moebian growled at the blue blur, "Very funny." He raced towards him but Sonic was prepared and jumped back as he punched, "But I mean her past is like mine. Her parents also ignored her. They didn't have any time for her either. So... you know what she did?"!Sonic's orbs widened slightly before his fist was caught in Scourge's grasp, along with the green hedgehog's fist trapped in his opposite hand. Scourge yanked him closer and grinned, "She killed them, just like me."

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