22: Jaylee✔️

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Music: Skystrike - Hinkik

Jaylee pushed the last of the Anarchy Beryl against the wall, having retrieved it from Scourge's throne and the underground base. With the battle now closer than ever and everyone completely focused on plans, they needed to gather a lot of Anarchy for the green male. She drew a breath, leaning against the wall.

"Was that too heavy for you?"

Jaylee looked towards the door, her Mobian twin walking through. The anti rolled her orbs, "Tch, I'd like to see you try and lift it."

Silence came over the two opposites, neither of them having anything to say. Jaylee just couldn't wait to get rid of her good counterpart, so she could return to being the Jaylee she was before the Mobians arrived. As they walked back towards the lab to join everyone else, Jayde brought up a question she had wanted to ask, "Hey, Jaylee, why did you agree to help us?"

The Moebian froze in her steps, glancing back at her twin with a scowl, "Why do you care?"

Answer a question with a question, huh? Jayde crossed her arms, "Why are you so sensitive about the topic?"

Jaylee clenched her fists, "I already said it was so you didn't go through the same thing as I did." She began walking in a different direction through the castle and the Moebian could sense Jayde following her, "You know curiosity killed the cat, right?"

Jayde scoffed, "You wouldn't kill me. Now tell me why you wanted to help – or is it all a trap?"

Jaylee rolled her eyes at the Mobian and pushed open the door to her bedroom. She walked over to a desk and opened a small box, "You don't know anything from this zone do you?" Jaylee muttered, leaning back against the desk, "We are unpredictable. The only thing you know is that we are opposites – can you not get anything from that?"

Jayde didn't know anything from this zone. She crossed her arms, agitated by her counterpart. All she wanted was answers, not to play twenty questions, "All I want is answers. Now get to the point."

Jaylee rolled her eyes again before throwing her a tennis ball, "Ring any bells?"

The Mobian frowned, rummaging through her quills for her baseball and brought them together, "But in Mobius, he was killed. What happened to your twin here?"

Jaylee laughed, "It was no 'he'. In this zone, my twin was female." Jaylee scowled, "And 'what a gift she is'!" the Moebian used quotation marks as if someone had said that in the past before glaring at Jayde, "Or was."

The Mobian frowned but didn't speak as Jaylee continued, "I bet your parents were kind, generous and always had time for you, didn't they? They treated you and your brother equally and loved you both, right?" Jayde nodded. Jaylee walked over and handed her a photo of Moebians – it looked like Jayde's family but also completely different.

Her mother in this zone was pitch black with dark green stripes. She still held the same hairstyle and clothes, but her dress was red instead of orange. Jayde's father was no longer jade but a burning orange with dark blue stripes. The Mobian then glanced at the two twin girls at the bottom. One was happy, both parent's hands resting on her shoulders, looking down at her like she was the best thing that ever happened to them. She was pitch black and had blazing orange stripes on the ends of her quills – and then, to the right of them all, was Jaylee. She sat cross legged with her back to them, a small sad but angry glare on her muzzle.

Jayde looked up at her Moebian twin, now thinking completely different from her, "Jaylee, I-"

But the Moebian's head snapped towards her, "Don't even pity me." Jaylee smirked darkly, "Besides, I got my own back."

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