14: Work Together?✔️

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Music: The Munsta - SCNDL

Jayde sighed, flying high on her board. She hadn't ran from everyone else, they were on the ground below her, but up here, she was alone - she could think. And all she thought about was how she hurt Shadow.

How could I have said that to him?

There's no way Shadow would ever forgive her for this. Maria was the closest thing he had to family on the ARK, and she had basically thrown that back in his face - he was only helping. Jayde should've felt honoured that she and Shadow were close. Everyone had told her that he hardly took to newcomers, that he was often closed off, but he had opened up to her. He become her friend and they became close in the few months they had known each other.

Jayde slowed on her board before letting out an angry shout of agony. The three Mobians heard this from below and looked up, but they knew it was best to leave her alone for a minute. Tails sighed, "I wish there was something we could do."

"There's nothing we can do, bud." Sonic answered, "It's best to leave Jayde alone while she's angry or upset, you know that."

The fox looked to her brother figure, "What actually happened between them?"

"They had an argument." Amy answered, "Jayde didn't tell us much, and all I can get from it is that they aren't going to be talking anytime soon."

"Of course not, Shadow's trying to kill her." Sonic joked, but stopped laughing when the other two glared at him, "Too soon?"

Amy rolled her eyes before an idea struck, "Wait... maybe Rouge could...!" She gasped and grabbed Tails' arm with the communicator on it, "Rouge?"

Jayde sighed, looking up at the sky. She had noticed the three stop below and resorted to laying on her board. She sat up when her communicator went off and, thinking it was Sonic, she growled at him, "Speedster, I'm not in the mood for-!"

"Well, that's a nice hello." Jayde stared down and saw the ivory bay from the ARK.

The grey hedgehog huffed, "Sorry, I thought you were Sonic."

Rouge chuckled softly and the two fell silent. Jade orbs looked through the communicator, and even though it was static, she could clearly see the anger and sadness in Jayde's orbs, "How you holding up?"

Jayde laughed sadly, "How do you think?"

"I know your upset and angry, but you need to push that aside," Rouge said, "It will be difficult, but you need to focus all your energy on bringing Shadow back."

"Rouge, he doesn't even like me anymore - I hurt him!" She spoke, "You know what happened."

"No, not really." The bat replied, "But the past doesn't matter, okay? No matter what, you have to keep fighting. Worry about fixing things up with Shadow after you rescue him. He's been turned like this before."

Jayde's eats twitched at this but the communicator started to fuzz out, "Wait, Rouge!"

"GUN agents are here." Rouge spoke, "I'll connect with you once this little ordeal is over."

Jayde sighed before looking down at the three staring up at her, guess I should go down to them again.

With the Moebians

Jayde the Hedgehog • Rising Adversity [2]Where stories live. Discover now