27: Strength is Weakness✔️

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Music: Fearless - FadeX

Scourge created another bruise on the enemy, grinning, "I believe that's sixteen to me and fourteen to you."

Jaylee scoffed, using her invisibility to her advantage and appearing behind Eclipse. She tapped his shoulder, disappearing as he turned and shot a spear, before appearing again, and landing a left, then a right, and then a left again, "How's that!" Jaylee grinned towards Scourge before landing a spinning kick to Eclipse's jaw.

Scourge watched her, not noticing his staring until Jaylee appeared in front of him and shut his open mouth, "Take a picture, Shades – it'll last longer."

Jayde scoffed, "Chaos, someone pass me the sick bucket."

Jaylee floated over to her 'twin', still amazed by her superform – not that she would ever admit that to Jayde, "What are you doing here? I thought you were fighting Adversity."

"We've got a plan, it's going to take all of us." Jayde informed them.

Eclipse rose higher again, glaring at the three below him, "Are you guys serious? This is a battle, there are no-"

He was suddenly blasted away by a Riots blast created by the anti-Jayde, "Can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation here!" She snapped at him as he groaned.

Scourge held back his uncharacteristic snicker, hovering over to the two females, "What's the plan?"

Jayde was quick to whisper to the plan to the two hedgehogs, before they all looked at each other and smirked. The Mobian nodded before flying off to tell the others, leaving the two anti-heroes. Jaylee noticed the evil look in her orbs as she turned, knowing full well that her Dark form was still there and sighed, "She would've made a good addition to the team, Shades."

Scourge hummed before turning to Eclipse who glared at them, "Ready to take on the weakling again?" Eclipse growled at the insult before firing another energy source towards them.

Jayde glanced over at Jaylee and nodded, "Ready to put this plan into action?" she asked the two golden forms, they nodded towards her before Eclipse was rounded up by Scourge and Jaylee.

The two evils grinned, "Don't you know that us being close makes us more powerful?" Adversity asked, "We become stronger as we share our powers, linking the Black Arms energy into us."

"This is going to be risky," Shadow looked towards Jayde, "It's going to drain our energy. Everyone ready?" he asked the superforms, watching as they nodded.

"You have no chance against us," Eclipse grinned, "As soon as we've finished you, we'll destroy Moebius, and spread chaos over the entirety of the multiverse! Our power will be unstoppable!"

"Oh, really?" Sonic smirked, each hedgehog having a bright energy light in their palms, "How would you like some more?"


Before they could say anything else, five beams shot towards them, hitting them straight on. Adversity laughed, "Oh, you naïve animals! Don't you see what you are doing is ridiculously amusing? You're giving us more power!" she laughed evilly, spreading her arms to embrace the strength freely given to her.

Shadow grinned, an evil glint in his orbs, "But don't you see, oh, dearest sister," He mocked, "If I were given the energy you are, my body would accept it. It would flow through me and connect with my inhibitor rings and make me more powerful each second." He smirked as she looked down at him, "What do you have?"

Jayde continued, "The purpose of inhibitor rings is to control the amount of power given to you. It stops you from over powering and prevents you from spontaneous combustion. It helps us," Jayde smirked, "So, what helps you?"

"No... wait!" Adversity yelled, she and Eclipse trying to move from the beams – but they followed them wherever they went.

"You see, to have power, you need to have responsibility for it - you need to understand it." Sonic added, "If you use that power wrong, it comes back to get you."

"You... cannot defeat me." Adversity gaped, trying to take in as much power as she could. All the hedgehogs were weakening, blood even dripped a bit from Jaylee nose, due to her Riots form having certain disadvantages.

"Amy!" Jayde called. The pink hedgehog nodded to her evil-twin, both of them grinned. Their inhibitor rings seemed to glow brighter than before, causing the young fox's eyes to widen as he smashed the last Eggman robot. The two hedgehog's hammers seemed to grow with the power surrounding them as they ran forwards, jumping high into the air and performing their hammer spin, crashing the head on the two enemy's.

Both Eclipse and Adversity seemed to lose focus, both yelling loudly as the energy coursed through them, quickly overpowering their bodies, "Shadow... how can you... do this to us? We are family!" Adversity hissed, gripping hold of her stomach.

"You're no family – family doesn't use each other." He snapped back, "And there's another thing you don't know about me," he released his inhibitor rings, his body firing up, "I can control the power that I own."

Adversity growled angrily, a large spear enveloping in her hands, causing the hedgehogs orbs to widen. They needed to act quick, "Now!" Sonic yelled, and each of the superpowered hedgehogs pushed their body to the max, increasing the amount of energy passing through the two enemies. Their forms seemed to break, slowly withering under the increased power that concealed them.

Shadow yelled out as the energy blasted from him. He ignored the look of betrayal on his 'siblings' face, and the chaos blast shot towards them, hitting them both directly, "NO!"

A sudden bright light blinded everyone, before a large blast threw everyone back, each groaning and grunting as their bodies smacked into the rubble below.

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