5: Place Unknown ✔️

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Music: Miles Away - Kasger (Instrumental)

Place Unknown

The four hedgehogs had been wandering for the past few hours through a desolate forest, not truly knowing where they were or what they were doing. Something about his surroundings gave Sonic déjà vu, but he couldn't quite pinpoint for the life of him what it was. The sense of evil surrounded him, and it felt as though it was connected to him by something unknown.

Amy walked beside her beloved hero, but distanced herself so he wouldn't become uncomfortable. The pink female decided to relax more and become less possessive towards the blue blur. And Sonic seemed to have taken a liking towards this side of her. The happy, individual side, not one that constantly relied on him and chased him around – she was growing up more.

But there was still one thing she will always be afraid of, "I-It's kinda dark." She whispered, sneaking ever so slightly closer to the speedster for comfort. This didn't go unnoticed by Sonic, but he didn't attempt to move away because he knew she was scared.

Unbeknownst to Sonic and the others, Amy also felt a familiarity to her surroundings. She felt as if something important had happened to her while she was here, and yet, she couldn't even remember what.

The grey female was up front with the Ultimate Lifeform, strolling through the dark forest, relying completely on her night vision. She used this power in these type of situations, as did Shadow, but they both knew that Sonic and Amy didn't have brilliant eyesight for places as dark as this. The only thing Amy was keeping track of and following was the glowing green band in Jayde's inhibitor rings. In fact, the other three kept close to this light that came from the Protector to stay together. Every so often, the band brightened or darkened slightly due to Jayde's curiosity and anxiousness.

Jayde grabbed a strap from her quills, wrapping it around her waist and left shoulder before tilting her hoverboard, allowing the magnetic surface to stick to the metallic plate on the strap. Tails had created it for her, so she didn't have to carry it all the time although she preferred holding it.

The blue striped female then stared down at her palms before clamping them together, taking a breath. Shadow stopped and turned to look at her, watching her hands begin to lighten up from within. Her hands opened, revealing a small ball of energy concealed between her fingers.

"Whoa!" Sonic whispered, staring with Amy in wonder. The grey hedgehog clutched her palms together again before completely opening them, releasing tracks of Riot light around them, dancing like fireflies in the darkness. The new found light lit up their surroundings, Jayde's orbs being the first to light up against them.

The hedgehogs were mesmerised by the small crystal like lights, "Wow. How did you do that?" Amy asked, gently sweeping her fingers through the light.

Jayde shrugged as they continued to walk, the fire lights following them in their path, "Just something I've been working on – discovering different uses of my powers?"

In the surrounding trees, sapphire eyes glared at the four hedgehogs entering his territory. How dare she invite them here! What did she think she was doing? That grey quilled hedgehog was going to get it when she returned. The male silently snarled at the blue male that walked with her, and him of all hedgehogs!

"Ah, what a pretty sight."

The four Mobians stopped at the sound of the menacing voice, Sonic completely freezing. He knew that voice from somewhere. The male came from behind the bushes, the Riot fireflies lighting up his emerald fur.

"Oh my God." Amy Rose clutched the blue hero's arm, only for Sonic to nod in reply.

Jayde frowned as her three friends glared at the hedgehog in front of them, am I missing something? Red glasses hid his blue eyes, the silver crown resting on his head as he strolled closer to them.

"Well," Sonic crossed his arms, "Now I know where we are."

"What are you doing here, Blue?" Scourge glared back at his Mobian counterpart, crossing his arms as well.

Sonic looked to Shadow, "Couldn't Egghead at least warp us somewhere other than this place?" The Ultimate Lifeform shrugged.

"I asked you a question, rodent!" The green hedgehog yelled, making all four look at him.

Jayde pointed towards him, "Uh, you know you're a hedgehog too, right? You basically just called yourself a rodent." Sonic snickered at her response, took the words right out of my mouth.

Scourge glared at the grey female, "Jaylee, I swear to Chaos you're pushing your luck. Why are you bringing those goody two-shoes into Moebius?"

Jayde frowned and crossed her arms, "Excuse me? My name is Jayde, Princess." She took a quick glance at his crown before returning to what she presumed was eye contact.

The evil-twin glared at the female. At least I know why she's dressed different. "Listen here, babe. I own this kingdom. You think you can just come and stroll through here and be rude, you have another thing coming."

"Look dude, she doesn't even know who you are. So, Princess, I suggest you leave her out of it."

Scourge glared at his blue counterpart, "Okay Blue, you asked for it." The evil twin shot towards Sonic, spin dashing past the remaining three. Jayde's quills blew up at his speed, making her eyes widen.

She looked towards the Ultimate Lifeform who stared boredly at the fight between Sonic and Scourge, "Who is he?"

Shadow responded, not even looking away from the battle, "That's Scourge; the 'evil twin' or Anti-Sonic. He was once blue like Faker, but after he came into contact with the Master Emerald, his fur turned green and he had his own look."

Jayde watched as Scourge kicked Sonic while the blue blur punched the green hedgehog across the muzzle.

"Don't you think you should have brought some back up, Princess?" Sonic snickered, elbowing his evil twin in the gut.

Jayde grinned, looks like Princess is going to be hanging around for a while. Scourge clenched his fist and shot towards Sonic, a smirk on his muzzle, "I don't need back up to fight you."

"Are they done yet?" Jayde asked, boredly.

"They will never be done," The Ultimate Lifeform rolled his crimson orbs before walking into the fight, "No, but you need backup against me." The red striped male punched both hedgehogs across the face with brute force, causing them to fly back. Shadow turned to Scourge, "Go back to your castle, Snot. We don't need you bothering us right now."

The emerald male stood up, placing his glasses back on his head and growled. He pointed towards the male who punched him, "Listen, Ultimate Failure, I'll be back." Scourge shot through the trees before clutching his muzzle, damn that hurt.

Amy rushed to the blue hero and helped him up, scowling at Shadow, "Faker, why the heck did you hit me! He's the bad guy." Sonic asked, wiping his arm of dirt.

Shadow shrugged as Jayde stood beside him, "You're both irritating. I just killed two birds with one stone."

Sonic smirked, "Is that some oldies language you picked up?"

The dark hedgehog glared at the speedster before turning and walking into the forest again, "Come on, let's get moving. I don't know how long I can be around Faker." It was clear the statement was aimed at the blue striped female.

Jayde stretched out, the pink hedgehog letting out a yawn beside her, "Actually," Amy mumbled, "I'm pretty tired."

Shadow stopped moving and clenched his fists sighing, "Rose, are you serious?" Sonic snickered at the impatient male in front.

Jayde rolled her orbs and walked up to him, nudging his arm, "Come on, we should find a place to sleep."

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