20: Trying to Take Control✔️

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Music: Make A Stand - Speo, Budobo

Jayde sat on the stairs beside the throne in the castle, her head in her hands. She wanted Shadow back. She didn't care how, as long as the Ultimate Lifeform returned to his normal self, she would be happy. Scourge and Jaylee rolled their eyes at her as they stood in the corner, "Why is she just sat there moping over him?" Scourge muttered, fixing his crown.

"Well, you know," Jaylee grinned, "No one mopes over you when you're gone." Scourge growled at her before walking off, leaving a chuckling Jaylee. But the anti-twin stared back at her Mobian counterpart – did she really care that much about the red and black hedgehog?

After debating to herself for a while, Jayde's evil twin walked over to her, slumping down beside her, "Go away, Jaylee. I'm not in the mood for your games."

"Well, that's a nice hello." Jaylee mumbled. She leant back, "So, what's the deal with you and Shadow – are you two together?"

Jayde shot up, "What – no! We're just friends."

"Then, why are you so sad?"

Jayde stopped, staring at the floor in front of her, "He's the only one who understands me. He's always there."

Jaylee frowned. She had never had a close bond with someone like her counterpart. She refused to get close to anyone because everyone leaves in the end. Jayde sighed as the silence sunk in again before an idea flew through her mind and she jumped up, startling her evil twin, "Where's the Shadow of this dimension?" she asked quickly.

"What? Why?" Jaylee asked standing and dusting herself off.

"Because if the Shadow of my zone has been taken over, that means the one of this zone will be able to communicate with him and bring him back." Jaylee burst into laughter and had to sit back down again. Jayde felt torn inside – she finally had an idea and it gets laughed at.

"Oh, twin, you are so naive."

Jayde crossed her arms, glaring at her evil counterpart as she tried to calm herself down, "Just because you're so heartless doesn't mean I am. I just want my Shadow back. Not this blank faced, evil monster that Adversity has created."

The Moebian stopped, "Wait, your Shadow? Ha!" Jaylee laughed again.

Jayde's muzzle tinted and she struggled to hold her glare, "I didn't mean it like that!"

Jaylee wiped her tears and started to walk away, motioning for the Mobian to follow her, "Has being with those dimwits not taught you anything?" Jayde frowned again, quickly following behind her evil twin as she left the castle. But Jaylee had another plan up her sleeve and her orbs glinted with wickedness.

"We are all opposites," Jaylee said, "You want to see Shadow?" she pulled open a cell door and jumped down into the darkness. Jayde swallowed before hoping down after her. The Mobian kept her guard up just in case Jaylee attacked, "Then here."

Lights flicked on and Jayde let out a gasp. Jaylee opened a container, revealing the experiment himself. His body was in suspended animation, his wrists and ankles tightly cuffed in place, digging into his skin. Jayde's hand covered her muzzle, anger flowing through her veins.

"This is your Shadow – never to wake in this dimension." Jaylee grinned, leaning against the container. Jayde kept staring, unable to look away – is this what they did to him for fifty years? The Moebian knew that her twin was becoming angrier and could use this against her, "How does this make you feel, hm? Angry and betrayed by those humans?"

Jayde the Hedgehog • Rising Adversity [2]Where stories live. Discover now