15: Surprising Savior✔️

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Music: Fuse - Zack Martino

Jayde looked painfully towards him, hoping she had heard him right. He said her name! He was trying to come back.

"Remember what the humans did to Maria." The powerful red and purple female spoke from above, causing Shadow's orbs to return to their original hatred, "And remember what this pathetic Mobian said to you before – you don't know what it's like to lose anyone close, do you, Shadow?"

The Protector's ears pinned back at the comment she made, feeling it stab her back, "Shad-"

His fists clenched, and Jayde's eyes widened, "I SAID GET AWAY!" and a powerful chaos blast struck towards her. But before it hit, her name was yelled, and a blue blur crashed into her already pained body, swiping her away from the flames. Jayde and Sonic rolled away, and the female coughed, choking on her tears she refused to let go. She knew this wasn't Shadow and she knew he didn't mean any of this. It wasn't him.

"Are you okay?" Sonic asked, running over to pick her up. Emerald eyes watched as Shadow turned towards them, his dark orbs lighting up in anger at the incomplete task.

Jayde nodded, pushing him away, "I got him – you take care of Scourge."

Sonic frowned worriedly, "But Jayd-"

"Go!" the female ordered. But Sonic wasn't going anywhere. Shadow's body has crashed into the cobalt form, crushing him against the nearby trees, snapping them in half like twigs. Sonic groaned, trying to push away from the manipulated ebony hog as he continued. A fist drew back, slamming roughly against the striped male. Jayde gaped as she watched the two strengthened males fight against each other. The sound of grunts and hits reached her ears as they ran in circles around her at high speeds.

But this was only a distraction.

Adversity quickly swooped down, flinging her foot around. It collided with Jayde's back, a pained yell leaving the Protector as she dropped to the floor. The evil being grinned, "You're all going to fail."

Jayde gritted her teeth, standing strong, "Don't count on it."

A smirk pried itself on Adversity's muzzle, her sharp canines showing, "Shadow's turned to my team, you've lost the most powerful member on your team and you're weak because of it," the wolf walked around the grey hedgehog, "How could you possibly win?"

Jayde growled and punched Adversity across the face as she turned, "You talk too much."

The evil being hissed angrily at the hedgehog, throwing multiple chaos spears in her direction. The female jumped up into the trees and leapt from branch to branch, trying to escape Adversity's attacks, "You are destined to fail – it is futile to resist." Jayde clenched her fists, trying to keep moving. She knew everyone was fighting – even against each other.

Amy and Tails where currently fighting their Moebius counterparts, not truly trusting any of the other. But they were all equally matched. Sonic and Shadow were still fighting – to the death. If this battle continued, Jayde knew someone would be terribly injured, "I will continue fighting to save Shadow and Moebius," she growled, grabbing the attention of Scourge and Jaylee, "And nothing you do will stop me from reaching my goal!"

Adversity hummed an evil laugh, "I beg to differ."

The dark being blasted a direct hit towards the hedgehog, the branch under Jayde breaking completely, causing her to drop from the trees. Jayde's body rolled harshly against the ground, cuts scraping along her fur. Groaning, she weakly lifted her arms up, staring towards Adversity. Her vision blurred slightly, as the evil being landed on the ground, walking towards her.

Shadow and Sonic were fighting nearby, their grunts and yells echoing around the forest. Their fists pummelled into each other, trying to finally win against the other, "Y... You won't win." Jayde growled, punching the ground as she tried to stand.

Adversity hummed an evil laugh. Jayde choked as she grasped the Protector's neck, slowly tightening her grip, "Don't get in my way. After all, you wouldn't want me to unleash Raven again - would you?"

Jayde swallowed, trying to take deep breaths against the firm fingers around her neck. Memories flooded through her mind. The time she was taken over by Mephiles. The time she almost killed Shadow and her friends. But she couldn't be manipulated by Adversity. The evil being frowned to herself, trying to push sinister thoughts into Jayde's head. It could manipulate her, and she'd turn evil and against her friends once again. It usually worked. It worked with Shadow, messing up his mind to bring him to her side. But Jayde didn't change.

The female weakly grinned, knowing what she was trying to do, "Take that, brat." Jayde muttered. Adversity glared darkly; she must have had a Psychic Shield - the only thing that could stop her from messing with Jayde's thoughts. In her hesitance, a green blur shot past them, ripping Jayde from Adversity's grasp.

Jayde coughed into his scarred chest, breathing deeply, "S-Scourge...?"

"You're welcome." He muttered, holding onto her weakened frame, "Jaylee, Miles, Rosy - fall back!"

Sonic glanced to the side, watching as the three Moebians with Jayde raced back to the castle. Distracted, Shadow managed to punch him across the face, causing the azure hedgehog to fly back into his twin tailed brother. They both groaned, but the cerulean hedgehog quickly stood. Sonic grasped Tails' hand and shot around Shadow. He clutched the pink hedgehog's arm before racing back to the castle and away from the battle.

Jayde was more important in this matter.

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