8: All It Takes is for You - No! ✔️

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Music: Collide - Hellberg

Jayde braced herself, pushing back at the fist that aimed for her. Jaylee growled, punching in different arms each second, her Mobian counterpart dodging every one of them. Jayde smirked before hitting her straight across the muzzle, "Wow, your hands are slower than your feet."

The blue blur smirked at Jayde's comment, dodging the green male's hits as well, "Just don't get too carried away, Jayde. It's clearly been a while since these guys had competition."

Scourge gritted his teeth, both hedgehogs leaving a trail of dust behind them as they sped into the distance, "Why are you even here anyways?"

"Oh, finally want to talk, huh?" Sonic smirked, skidding to a halt and tripping up his counterpart, "Eggman used a Warp Ring on us and this is where we ended up – horrible place, isn't it?" The two continued to hit each other back and forth, Sonic leaning to his right, dodging a hit from the left before flicking his feet around and knocking the green male to the ground. The hero smirked, "Slowing up, Scourge?"

"I'm faster than you, Blue." He hisses, repeating Sonic's action and knocking the cobalt hedgehog into a tree further away. Sonic let out an 'oof' but didn't stop the fight.

Zip, zip, zip-

The evil twin tailed fox growled, "Quit it with the teleporting!" he snapped, clenching his fists, "Fight me like a real hedgehog!"

Shadow smirked, chaos controlling once more before flicking around and planting his foot in Miles' muzzle, sending him flying back. The fox gritted his teeth, spinning his tails to prevent further injury. He flew above the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow's enhanced hearing picking up on his quick decent before chaos controlling again, leaving the fox in the dust.

"You know, if you want to get a hit on me, you need to concentrate more." Shadow muttered, looking at the hunched fox who prepared to hit him again.

Miles growled, racing at him once again, "Shut up!"

"Hey, you're a smart kid like Tails, aren't you?" Shadow spoke, continuously using the Chaos Emerald in his quills, "You should predict where I'm going to appear from."

"Why are you helping me?" the fox snapped, already knowing not to trust the Mobian lookalikes.

Shadow stopped in front of him and crossed his arms, "Because it's killing me just watching you try to fight." Miles let out a battle cry, charging towards the hedgehog. The ebony male chaos controlled again, but this time, Miles took his advice, listening out for the slightest noise, trying to predict his appearing location.

In a sudden move, he threw his arm around, but it was grasped in the Ultimate Lifeform's hold. Shadow nodded, still not showing any emotion, "Good, but did you really think I was going to let you hit me?" and he threw Miles against the tree.

Jayde ducked another punch from her lookalike before knocking her down with her feet. Jaylee was quick to stand, wiping the dirt from her muzzle as the rain continued to pour, soaking through their clothes, "I'm impressed." She spoke, "You're stronger than I thought you'd be – yet, you are still weaker than me."

"How come you haven't landed a punch on me yet then?" Jayde smirked.

The grey hedgehog grinned back, "I'm only just getting started." And the Moebian disappeared. Jayde was shocked that her counterpart could become invisible as well, but the smirk never left her lips as she too turned to her powers.

"Good trick." Jayde smirked, staring at her evil-twin as she growled.

"Well, well, well, I see you and I have a lot more in common than I thought we did." Jaylee muttered, slightly disappointed in these turn of events, but used it as her advantage, "But don't you see than I am still stronger than you?"

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