29: Put the Past Behind Us✔️

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Music: Starfall - FadeX

The Mobians appeared in the twin tailed fox's workshop, both Knuckles and Rouge rushing over to greet them. Tails was startled by their sudden appearance, "When did you guys get here?"

"Hey guys!" Rouge waved, hugging the pink hedgehog, not noticing Tails' question.

"Hi Rouge, Knux." Sonic grinned, "Missed us?"

Knuckles huffed and crossed his arms, "No way. I got some peace while you were gone."

Rouge rolled her orbs and placed her hands on her hips, "Please, you couldn't stop worrying about them. You were scared they'd never return and you'd be stuck with me forever! Then you got scared when GUN showed up to bring us back and 'protected me'." She quoted.

Tails nodded to himself, "So, that's how they got back. Wait! So that means my plane is still on the ARK? Aw, man!" Amy chuckled at the twin tailed fox, being the only one that heard him.

The red echidna's muzzle tinted, "Well when you put it that way, I'm glad they're back. I don't think I can spend another minute near you."

Amongst the bickering, Jayde had picked up the Warp Ring and sighed. Even though they were the bad guys, she would miss them. They may have hated the Mobians guts, but they still stood up to help save Shadow in the end – even if they did say it was only to save Moebius. Slipping the Warp Ring in her quills, she turned to the calling fox, "Hey, Jayde! Come here a sec'!"

She jumped over to Tails, placing her broken board on his table, resting a hand sadly on the pieces, "Think you can fix him this time?"

The young fox chuckled; his two tails moving in happiness to finally be back home, "I've built a TV out of some pizza boxes and a paper clip. Fixing a destroyed hover board? No problem!"

"You've been around Speedster too long." Jayde rolled her orbs with a grin.

"That, and," he pulled out another hoverboard, exactly the same shape, except it was plain grey and didn't have any colouring on it, "I have the prototype. Same speed, same shape, just no colour – you can use this for the time being."

Azure orbs lightened up at the sight of a board, and even though it wasn't the same, she would take it for the few days Tails needed, "Thanks, T-Dog!"

Tails smirked, "But that's not what I called you over for." He walked over to his shelves, slightly surprised that Knuckles and Rouge hadn't destroyed any of his tools and inventions in being here together without fighting. "I wanted to give you this before but Eggman sucked you lot away to Moebius with me closely following." He pulled a box from a high shelf and presented it to Jayde. When she opened it, she saw brand new, homemade shoes. They had blue tongues with two thin black straps along the top; a golden strap along the middle and a jade strip besides the tongues and white at the front of the shoe.

"The gold strap and gold buckle at the top are the same as your shoes now - they should change colour if you ever transform into your dark form, or Riots form again. I also scanned your shoes and used the exact same soles, so they should help you with climbing and have a memory of home. And as a bonus addition with your board, the bottoms of your shoes hold a small super magnet which should prevent you from falling off your board at high speeds without the straps on your feet."

Jayde smiled but a small frown quickly etched on her face, "But... why?"

Tails gave a nervous grin, "I know that your shoes at the moment are valuable to you – but I also know about the argument you and Shadow had." He looked away and twirled his fingers, "I was hoping that with these you could... 'put the past behind you', so to say?"

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