6: The Opposite ✔️

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Music: Velocity -OLWIK

With Scourge

Not far away, Scourge angrily stomped through the castle. His fist roughly wiped his muzzle, but flinched as he did so. Damn, that hedgehog could pack a punch. The green male slumped on his throne, lifting his glasses up. He went to place them on his head before they were snatched from his hands and floated through the air.

Scourge sighed and rolled his orbs, "Jaylee, it's not funny."

The female appeared and crossed her arms, glaring at him, "Okay, Mr Grumpy Pants." She turned and threw the glasses carelessly in the air, Scourge quickly moving to grab them before they broke against the brick flooring.

Scourge huffed placing them on his head before watching as the female faced him. She wore a black leather jacket with green sleeves that were rolled up halfway. The blue stripe that came around from her tail was visible due to her green half top that outlined the top of her frame. She wore similar shoes and shorts to the other grey female he had met in the forest, no wonder he got them mixed up. The main difference was Jaylee's front bangs. They flicked up and her quills were a little bit wavier.

She glanced at his muzzle before frowning and poking the large bruise, only for Scourge to growl and grab her wrist. Jaylee didn't flinch, but smirked at the emerald male, "Did you get another beat down from that same guy?"

The male glared at her, "No, my twin decided to visit."

With the Mobians

Jayde shuffled around on the tree branch, trying to find a comfortable position to lie in. She was still confused as to where they were. Sonic, Shadow and Amy seemed to know where they were now and didn't seem so happy about it. But the grey female was lost. She hadn't even heard of Scourge before and now she finds out he's an 'evil twin' of Sonic?

Groaning, she turned again, shifting to her other side to lie on. Jayde felt at a disadvantage to everyone else. They all knew what to expect from this world and she had no idea how react. Shadow glanced up at Jayde from the branch before, grumbling as she turned again.

"Renee, can you stop?" Shadow muttered, flicking moss from his quills yet again. He rolled his eyes as she moved again, she was always a fidget.

The grey female looked down innocently, "Sorry," she sighed, "I'm just confused."

The rose hedgehog looked up from below, Sonic and Amy deciding to sleep on the floor, still surrounded by the Riots lighting, "What do you mean, Jayde?"

The female looked at Amy, lying on her stomach to see the two properly, "Well, you've all been here before and you know what to expect. I've never even heard of Scourge before, let alone Moebius."

"I guess you are at a bit of a disadvantage." Sonic chuckled, "Scourge is my evil twin. He is anything but nice. He took over this Moebius and he's tried taking over our Mobius as well. But he was too slow." The blue blur grinned.

Amy looked up, "Each of us have an evil twin here. I have one who looks like the younger version of me; her name is Rosy. Her mallet looks a lot more powerful but it's only the way she uses it."

The blue hedgehog chuckled, "Yeah, to smash her 'Scourgey'."

"'Scourgey'?" Jayde raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, she almost squashed me as well because she mistook Scourge for me." Sonic placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

Jayde laid on her back and stared up at the stars through the trees. Sonic has an evil twin... so does Amy... does that mean? "Hey, if you guys have an evil twin, does that mean I have one?"

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