21: It's My Decision✔️

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Music: Rubik - Distrion, Electro-Light


Jayde smiled at Tails as he walked through the door, a small yawn leaving him after his nap. The pink hedgehog insisted that he go sleep just after Eggman left and she didn't take no for an answer. Tails went to grab a cup of coffee as Jayde spoke to him, "Thank you, T-Dog."

The twin-tailed fox froze and turned to look at Jayde. His eyes furrowed, and he knew he needed to tell Jayde the truth. Abandoning the drink, he pulled a chair up to his desk and typed on his computer, "Um, Jayde. There's something you should know."

The blue striped hedgehog walked over to him, "What's wrong?" She could already hear the fear in his voice, almost as if he was afraid to tell her.

"Well, because the Black Arms DNA travelled all through her and her nervous system, it took a lot of pressure to take every drop out," Tails spoke.

"Wait... I thought she was powered up by a Chaos Emerald?" The female frowned.

Tails nodded, "So did I, but when I scanned her vitals, I found Black Arms DNA in her as well as chaos energy." He sighed, "Unfortunately, the process I was forced to use in such short timing may damage some of her brain cells."

Jayde swallowed, worried that what she thought would be real, "Which means what?"

Tails sighed, looking up at Jayde sadly, "It means she may have amnesia and she may not remember you." Jayde took a deep breath, looking back at her friend still in cryosleep. All those memories, all that time spent with her – Cleobella wouldn't remember, "I'm sorry – there's nothing I could or can do."

Jayde smiled tightly at Tails, "It's okay, you did what you had to do. I don't blame you." Tails gave a small smile before it disappeared.

Sonic and Amy walked into the room. They noticed the tension and the pink female glanced towards they young fox, "Did you tell her?" Tails silently nodded and watched as Jayde walked back to sit next to her friend.

Jayde stared at her friend, looking at the dark bruise on her muzzle that she had to create in order to get her to stop fighting them. The three Mobians stared sadly at the grey hedgehog, wishing there was something they could do.

Everyone flinched at a loud bang, and Jaylee crashed through the wall of the lab and into the other side. Jayde quickly stood up, standing protectively in front of her friend in case of an attack. Jaylee groaned as she sat up, gripping hold of her head.

"Jaylee?" Amy asked, frowning.

They all looked towards the hole in the wall, watching as Scourge came through the door, "You want to what?!" he yelled, everyone stepping back as they watched the argument between the two Moebians unfold.

Jaylee quickly stood up without pain and clenched her fists, "I want to help them." She pointed towards the Mobians, who all widened their eyes at what Jayde's 'evil-twin' was saying.

Scourge growled and shot towards her. Jaylee readied herself and gripped hold of his hands as they went to pin her against the wall, groaning at the pressure, "Why would you want to help them? They're our opposites – they are weak!"

Jayde gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, "Earlier you said you'd work with us!" she growled.

"Well, it comes and goes, I wouldn't trust it!" he snapped at her.

Through her struggle, Jaylee take a glance at her lookalike and this didn't go unnoticed by the Mobians, "Because I don't want Jayde to go through what I did."

Jayde the Hedgehog • Rising Adversity [2]Where stories live. Discover now