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The_sunniest_angels, I started writing one for you. And because I was really bored.

also, i accidentally wrote solangleo instead of solangelo while writing the title....

trigger warning- if you get triggered by abuse and/or abusive behavior, i strongly advise you not to read this.

Nico didn't think school could get much worse for him. At least, that was before his AP Chem (advanced placement chemistry) teacher paired him up with William Solace, everyone's favorite golden boy, for the effusion lab.

Will was so cheerful and full of light that it hurt Nico to be in his presence.

The teacher had even moved the seating arrangement so that each pair of lab partners would be sitting with each other.

(i'm beginning to regret writing this)

Which meant Nico would have to talk to the boy full of sunshine and laughter.

"You're Nico, right," asked Will. Nico ignored him. "Are you ready for this project?" Again, Nico ignored him. "Do you plan on doing anything this project, or am I going to have to do everything for you?" Nico, (surprisingly) ignored him once again.


When Nico came home that day, he came anticipating the pain that went along with living with older sister. (yes. i'm making bianca be the abusive sister in this).

"Why home so late, fag?" Bianca's voice echoed through the room. Nico looked down, trying to hide the fear in his eyes. (fear kept autocorrecting to dear.) Bianca pulled him by his hair and dragged him to the cold-tiled floor of the kitchen, where there was a variety of different types of knives at her disposal.

Nico weighed his options.
Sororicide, too deadly. (get it? sorocide, deadly? no? okay...) Running away, Bianca was faster than me. Telling someone, Bianca could just persuade them into believing that I was lying--

Bianca put me in a chokehold, disturbing my thoughts. She then punched me in the stomach, releasing me immediately after that. I fell onto the floor, a weeping mess of sorrow. She kicked my legs. "Get up, you filthy, unnatural thing. And don't be a crybaby." (the media is the song crybaby)

I did what she said, and got up, only to feel long, sharp fingernails dig into my shoulder blades. I gasp in pain, and she laughs. "Bianca," I whimper. "Please. I beg of you. Just stop."

"Deal with it, brat," she snarls, and pushes me against the wall. She punches my face, and it stings. She does it a few more times, and by that time, I am writhing in pain. She throws me to the ground and spits on me. "I'll deal with you later, scrub," she says. "You better be here when I come back...." Her threat hangs in the air, above me like a cloud of fury and rage. She hisses at me and leaves me on the floors of the kitchen, where everything soon becomes black.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant