all the good things

240 15 53

the number of comments on this story is officially twice the amount of reads sOUlAngElO, and that's saying a lot, because that book has 300+ reads.

Personally, I liked the third option the best. Plus, Will could drive.

5 | |= |= | |=

Will came over to the house right away. I really didn't expect him to come that fast.

(now that this is getting somewhere, plot-wise, i'm starting to lose inspiration)

"Where all have you checked? Maybe she's at her friend's house," Will suggests.

"Without her phone? I don't think so."

Will started to pace around the room. "If she's not at her house, and probably isn't with one of her friends, then where else could she possibly go?"
i burnt a part of my hand while removing cupcakes from an oven.
Will runs his hands through his hair. "Can I check her room? I may find something in--"

"NO," I yelp! "It's just, that would be invading her privacy. You don't even know her."

"That's what makes it more acceptable," he retorts.

He started looking around to find which room was Bianca's. He knew I wouldn't do anything to stop him, and I started to regret asking him to help me. He was acting a lot like Bianca, in fact, by taking advantage of the fact that I was defenseless.

He's only doing this to help you, a voice in my mind reminded me. Or he just wants to help Bianca, another side of me thought. Maybe he tried befriending you so he could become closer to her.

Why do you even care about her, I think. All she's ever done to you is harm.

And then I think of all the good things she had done for me in the past. When
Mami was first hospitalized, and father was at the hospital every second he wasn't working overtime to pay the bills, and Bianca took care of me, telling me everything would be alright. That everything would be fine.

And when our mother slipped into a coma, Bianca held me as she broke the news to me, in the kindest way, and rocked me back and forth.

She had been the one raising me, from
the time I was eight to the time I was eleven. Then the verbal hate came. After a few years, it started becoming more physical. And then by the time I realized it was abuse, it was too late; she already knew how to turn my knobs, and how to get under my skin, both literally and metaphorically.

"Nico," Will yells, snapping me out of my daze. "I found something."

I enter Bianca's room, to see him staring at some papers with his jaw dropped and tears running down his eyes.

sorry it's short. the next one will be longer

it's one thirty am and I'm on the verge of falling asleep. hopefully i will sleep right away then

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