suspicious wills

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when your story has triple the amount of comments than it has reads....

Bianca liked William Solace? I was beyond astonished. I tried talking to her about it, but she just punched me in the gut and threatened me before stomping off to her bedroom.

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The next morning, I spend a good deal of time staring into a mirror. The bus had yet to come, and Bianca was still in the bathroom, getting ready.

I hadn't really put much thought into my appearance in the past few years. I never really felt the need to, until today, for some reason or another.

I looked decent, I supposed. I had dark olive skin, and dark brown hair that curled slightly at the ends. But my body was filled with so many bruises, cuts, and other injuries. And I knew that I didn't carry myself well, either.

Whenever my father was at home, he would always snap at me to fix my posture, walk properly, with my hands naturally swinging at my sides, and to not look down so much.

Whatever beauty was left inside of me, it was masked off to the world by my bruises and hoodies.

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"Don't ever call me with that house number," I hiss to Will as I slide into my seat seconds before class began. "Why not," he whispers, looking at me. "Turn away from me, idiot," I say, talking without moving my lips. "Do you want to land the both of us in detention?"

I witness his legendary eye roll through the corner of my eye.

When Mrs. Akhyls dismisses us to work on our project, Will brings up the whole phone call ordeal again.

"Why can't I call you?"

"You just- you just can't, okay?"

"Not okay. Tell me why."

All the gods of the universe I didn't believe in, he was so stubborn.

I shrug him off a few more times, and he finally lets it go. For now.

We worked on the project for the rest of the class in silence. When it was time to go, he tapped me on the shoulder, and I winced in pain.

He shoots me a concerned look and I look away. He shakes his head. "Meet me at the bus stand after school." And with that, he left.

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"Are you okay, Nico," Will asks in a kind voice. There was ten or so minutes  until the buses would leave. I look around to see if anyone is around. How does he know, I think. Even more, what does he know?

"Why would I not be," I retort with a level of attitude that would have gotten me a scolding from my parents.

He gives me a look, full of trusting and calmness, and I can't stand to look at him. A all of a sudden I'm afraid that I'll spill all my secrets to him.

He puts his hands on top of mine, in a reassuring way, almost, and I visibly flinch. "What happened," Will asks. "Did I do something or...."

"It's just... human contact." Will smirks and pulls me into a hug. But strangely enough, I don't pull back. We stay like that for a while, until I see a red-faced Bianca looking absolutely furious. And I am frightened for my life of what'll happen when I go home.

on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant