What did you just say, young man?

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Aa soon as Bianca and I walked into the door of the house, she goes ballistic. She grabs a plate and throws it to the floor. "WHY WERE YOU HUGGING WILL," she screamed.

I flinched. Her screaming was hurting my ears. "I didn't," I mumble.

"What was that," she hissed, making her way towards me.

"I didn't hug him," I said, this time with more confidence. "He hugged me."

"Yeah right," Bianca responded. "As if he would hug a stupid little faggot like you." She then slapped my face, over and over again. I was glad that it was the weekend, and that my face had time to recover.

I clench my jaw, my hair shaking at the sides. I ball my hands into fists, and I strike back at her.

I raise my hand so my thumb's parallel to her neck. I then hit her neck with my hand and kick the back of her foot, making her lose her balance and fall backwards. I then start sprinting away from her as fast as I can.

She recovers quickly though, and catches up to me, pulling me from behind with the hood of my jacket.

She turns around and soon I am facing her, gazing into her eye full of hatred and loathing. She kicks me in the crotch, and then punches my chest. She has started to hit me repeatedly, all over my body, when all of a sudden, a doorbell rang.

Bianca goes to look in the peekhole. She then comes back, terror in her eyes. "Clean all this up. Make yourself look presentable. And remember: what happens between us stays between he. Father's come home.

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"Bianca," the man who calls himself my father says as soon as we start eating dinner. "Your grades have been getting lower. You know you can't let your GPA drop, or all those colleges and universities that accepted you won't let you in."

"I know, father," Bianca says, rolling her eyes. Luckily, he didn't see that, or we would have had to sit through a whole lecture on attitude, politeness, and respecting one's elders.

"Good. Because I'm the one who's paying for your college tuition."

I have to bite my lip to keep from making a sarcastic retort.

"And you, young sir. I heard you got an out of school suspension. They call me very time, you know?" I wince, remembering the whole situation.

I was honestly surprised he didn't ignore me like he normally did. I was his failure of a son, the one he chose to ignore.

After all, I was just the stupid gay kid with the attitude and bad grades. I was just the one who stood up for what I thought was right in the wrong way and was punished severely for it.

"I'd like to see you try and deal with the kids in my school," I mumble.

"What was that, young man," my father asks sharply.

"N-nothing," I say quickly.

"Don't talk too much. Bianca has gone through twice as many years of high school as you have a And never in her years as she gotten a phone call home, let alone a suspension. It's just you with your temper problems."

Gee, I think. I wonder who I get them from.

As soon as I finish eating, I go hide in my closet, and stay there for a very, very long time.

should i write a chapter where bianca verbally abuses nico, or should i just keep with the physical abuse?

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