this author's weird

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this has 1.1k reads! thankew for actually reading this, fellow solangelo obsessors!

it also has 2.82k, and the spam fam chat chain reached 1k yesterday!

so thankew, and continue reading.

wait. how did the last chapter end?

oh yeah. i remember now.

idk what to do with this. i think i'll write a few more fluffyish chapters, and then i'll make it super angsty and tragic.

and i should probably think of some good un-cliché plot twists

how many more chapters should i write?

also, the updates will be a lot less scarce now that my school year is beginning.

so stay obsessed, fellow solangelo obsessors.


on edge- a solangelo hs auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant