i know what happened

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sorry for the screenshot overload at the bottom. but oh well. it's needed.

I walked into the door of Bianca's room and sat down. I looked at what Will had been staring at and swore.

It was Bianca's list on every way she knew that she could torture me. The thing was, when we were younger, I would have these nightmares, and I would tell Bianca about them because there wasn't anyone else.

I have no idea when, but after a while, she had a whole list devised off greatest fears, what I'm the most self-conscious about.

"Sh-she does this to you," Will asks, still sobbing. "I guess that explains all the cuts and bruises."

I decide it's time to lie on the spot. "She doesn't do it. Any of it. My father, he does it all to me. Bianca stole the list from him office one day. And she's kept it here ever since."

I couldn't tell it he believed me, but he decided to go with it.

"Nico," Will calls out. "I think I know where she might be." He was looking at a bookmarked page on the school directory. On it, one address was circled. The address of Octavion Augur.

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Will insists on us knocking on the door
rather than us breaking in. A little boy around the age of six answered the door.

"If you're looking for Octavion," he said, "he's upstairs." The boy then erupted into a fit of giggles.

The boy leads us to a room with the locked door. "Octavion always keeps it locked. But he's not allowed to." He opens it using a key, and dashes away to a different room. Will and I walk inside, and see Bianca with her lips pressed to a guy with blond hair. What is it with Bianca and blond-haired guys, I think. Who'll be next? Jason Grace?

Octavion lets out a yelp when he sees us, and breaks apart from Bianca.


The little boy, Augustus, walks in giggling. Octavion whispers something in his ears, and he gulps. He then retreats back to his room

"Why are you here," Bianca asks me. She then points her finger to Will. "And why is he here?"

"You didn't go on the bus to or from school. You leave your phone in your room. You leave NO note; WHERE SHOULD I EXPECT YOU TO BE?"

I hadn't realized how much fear and rage had been bottling inside of me the past few hours.

Bianca rolls her eyes at me. She pushes Will and me out of the doorway. "Now leave," she hisses, slamming the door in our faces.

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"Sorry that happened," Will said.

"It's not your fault," I mumble.

"But it wasn't yours either. You were worried for her, like any younger sibling would be."

I shake my head as I walk inside. If only Bianca appreciated me.

sorry. this is bad, short, and apparently i can't swim. but i wanted to publish this today

AmazingEdaj_ remember when I told you I granted someone's wish in this chapter?

The_cloudiest_angels- I'm still not dead

The_cloudiest_angels- I'm still not dead

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